Hello October! What do we see? Well it’s a month launched with 6 retrograde planets, in case you’ve wondered why matters remain so fractious and unresolved. I can’t recall when I’ve last seen this many retros at one time. It’s now becoming clearer to me as to why I’ve my eye on this particular month for quite a while. We’ve been watching this global discombobulation for months and now these unusual aspects strongly imply that we’re at the cusp of a three month intensity or rather, circus. The gorilla and monkey cages seeing the most daily visitors. It’s going to be a wild ride for many. Interspersed among some of these harder aspects a few positive October surprises, do appear so don’t give up hope!
We’ll delve into the early month’s decisive new Moon, later month’s full Hunter’s Moon and of course the overall October sky. Armagedda will not be holding back this month
Early week, Thursday the 30th’s stellar grand trine with Venus, Moon and Jupiter holds out a brief pass for visions and inspirations, no psychedelics needed. Merging onto Friday where I hope you can keep those enlightened thoughts before we slide into a non eventful weekend whose Sunday aspects spell exhaustion for me.
October 6th – 8th New moon (4:05 am pdt), Wednesday, and it might rank as one of the most critical times of the month if not the year. We’re seeing warrior Mars aligned exactly to Sun and Moon, and then there’s Mercury squaring Pluto, moving direct thereby intensifying his iron grip. Oh, I can’t leave out that yod, or ‘finger of god’ aspect, to unpredictable Uranus. This is flat out, an aspect of anger and violence. A fire alarm is going off right here as it ignites Saturn, high in the USA chart, defiant and hostile to the Sun.
It’s going to be a wild ride for the entire world, on a day where nothing will be held back. More Covid lockdowns? ? Repression and rage? Yep. These combative sky patterns coalescing above us right now are reflecting back at us earthlings their clashing geometry. Why is that? Because and I quote, ” we’ve seen that cosmic connections between celestial bodies and human minds and bodies do prevail”. Or, we’re all made out of star stuff” thank you Carl Sagan.
Hinduism’s more specific description for this lunar slice of their 27 sectioned zodiac known as Hasta, or simply put, the hand, alludes to what I call the time to “think, do, make”. No laziness allowed here and the fiery component of this one will make sure of that. On a brighter note, this could be an exuberant time if played right. A sneaky positive aspect, dare I say, with the airy Libra moon trine Saturn and Mercury along with Jupiter might help just a little, but I’m not making any promises.
My 40 plus years of star scoping experience are showing me that we are about to witness a time of monumental and historic global shifts. Let’s start right here with our own USA chart which indicates several natal aspects being directly impacted right now.
The once every 240 plus year Pluto return shows the underworld power god returning to his launch place in 1776, combined with the early month gunshot of Mars to our nation’s ‘father complex’ or Saturn square the July 4th Sun. We rebelled against the British king and unfair taxation back then and now in October 2021 are we headed for another revolution? Taxes, debt, default, Covid, immigration? Then we have the warring political extremes of left, right and wrong, (as I say) that are fueling and ‘breaking’ the news. A Plutonian hit like this usually refers to life changing “transformation” of a deeply interior nature churning in the depths of soul before a new birth of the psyche.
Onto mid month, October 10th to early morning the 11th, surprise! An actual upbeat aspect with the moon in cheerful Sagittarius, linking energy arms with the Sun and Mars in Libra all with Jupiter. Saturn turning around into direct motion, leaves us with 4 backwards planets. Late month we’ll be down to 2 of them. Hope is here, even if for a moment.
By the18th Mercury will move direct, though still in airy Libra. where he likes to communicate and all the while connecting with Venus here to brighten up the sky and even someone’s day! Yours I hope! Jupiter’s path rotates into direct motion aspecting Mars for a brief happy moment, not for long though. Big change days lie straight in front of us
Moving ahead to Wednesday the 20th’s Full Moon in Ashwini, we have a few things to cover. Yes the moon is in Aries, directly opposite the Libra Sun and Mars, all three in a sharp T- square to Mr. Pluto. How do you spell intense? Because we’ve now arrived at the Big Moment. It’s here. This geometry triggers some very of dynamic, if not drastic, activity. The vedic Ashwini full moon (4:57 am PDT) describes the female horse captain leading her troops into battle. Call it 21st century Valkyrie warriors ? Who might they be? I have some ideas. But all is not totally dire, because Ashwini also deals with herbs and healing. Perhaps we hear some better news about the Delta variant?
On a side note, a certain resident of Mar a Lago, will need to have some powder ready for an impending fight that could erupt right here. Oh these full moons!
Moving a little down the calendar to later month, the positive bonding of Jupiter directly on our nation’s philanthropic Aquarius Sun, with Mars and Mercury lending support, speaks to a hopeful moment Could some rapprochement or cordial agreements bridge the warring factors?
October 23d Now the season of Scorpio begins. Moving along this final week of October we find some roadblocks, Saturn of course, who else? Some relief arrives on the breakthrough days of the 31st through November 1st. Welcome to the Druid festival of Samhain, where the celebrations honored the dead . In doing so, their wearing of costumes to ward off ghosts became, you guessed it, our Halloween! The feast day of All Souls brought this ritual time into common practice. So light that bonfire, go hunt for treats down the streets. Witch ever you prefer. It’s our magic world moment, why not go Druid? Maybe even talk to a few departed and much loved spirits “over there” at this time when the barriers between our worlds tend to thin out. In closing I have to mention that the sky gods must have decided to party with us since the alignment of a Scorpio Sun to a solid earthy Virgo Moon, and Uranus too, plus a group of light hearted party going planets in air and fire (Venus) shows me a perfect
‘let’s fix it” time or even better, a date night! Costumes optional.
BETTER DAYS: 10, 11, 18, 24, 31, Nov. 1s
The following birthdays are based on the very close degrees of the Sun, not on a large swath of dates for which I could never be specific. Normally a true birth time will provide an accurate rising sign and degree of the moon known as the three majors, and then we can begin to talk true astrology. The Sun is still very significant for it represents the soul’s manifestation in the outer world, health issues, and the house position gets even more specific. If you need to see your chart for these details just follow the links to one or both of the choices provided. Lunarium or Astrodienst.
OCTOBER 1-21ST As you know I never do this, however, this month’s transit of Mars over the entire 21 days of this month means that some where along the way he’ll be at your door asking you to come out and roller blade with him. Just don’t go to a shooting range, especially if your birthday is near the 18-21st.
OCTOBER 29-30th These very late month’s days coincide with your birthdays! And be careful because that moon in Leo does not like Saturn over there making faces at your Scorpio Suns. A little help from the air planets since communication is cheerful!
OCTOBER 31- NOVEMBER 1st.Lucky you, this birthday’s solar return holds all the right aspects, I don’t even mind that Saturn gate keeper because everyone else drowns him out! Use care in your activities this year no crazy moves, but of course you won’t.
NOVEMBER 12-15th You’re pretty lucky to have those strong outer sky gods, called Pluto and Neptune, for wingmen. They aren’t going away Whereas these minor players jump and turn quickly. I like the 8th, -9th, then the Pisces moon of 17-18 and lastly the Cancer moon on 26-27th
NOVEMBER 22-30th Your best days are right around the corner, say the 7th -18th of October. Venus in Sag directly over your Suns and so perfect with a steady Saturn in Aquarius. Very early month Mars lends a hand.
DECEMBER 1- 22nd, and again I don’t usually do this, run most of the month, like a Sun Sign Astrologer! but you have this nice run of Mars helping your energetic ideas, and them Venus picks up the pace further along, it’s pretty copacetic.
DECEMBER 13-18th very specifically these Sag birthdates have a strong team of Sun, Jupiter, Mars and Venus gliding side by side for most of the month. Now the only problem might be the confusion dealt by the hand of watery Neptune. Avoid any druggy or boozy events or nights, not that you would indulge. You have such good energy most of this month.
JANUARY 13 – 21st Ok I have to say it, these specific birthday Suns in Cap had best be vigilant around that lightening strike of a full moon period. Your mother is telling you to avoid any crazy adventures, crazy talks, and airports. Sign nothing. Later in November your early Christmas present arrives early with the November 19th lunar eclipse.
JANUARY later month, Early October is your better time, very late month is not so good. Of course I have to let you know. But of course a chart has many aspects and some will no doubt be positive this month!
FEBRUARY 10- 22nd For the greater part of this month, that feisty Mars rides alongside you fusing energy into your daily worlds, and that s along with Mercury for increased communication! The very early Feb children still have.
FEBRUARY 1-6th You early month Feb people have to deal with that irritating Cross bow from wild ass Uranus and with Saturn lurking over head.. The good news is that Venus and Mars are running along side so there’s an up, however slight.
MARCH 1 – 7th The Uranian sextile to the Suns in your charts is actually positive, uplifting, and it gets one going! You have other aspects on your charts so there could be even more to boost your situations.
MARCH 12-18th You still have those very strong wingmen at your side, called Pluto and Neptune, where inspiration knows no bounds. November gets more interesting because Water likes Water!! The 8, 9th Scorpio moon days this month are great for you!
APRIL 15- 21st Ok this full moon time, near the 20th, is a little difficult for you. The good news arrives with Jupiter who has just moved direct and in a short while he’ll be holding your hand too! Patience.
APRIL Later month birthdays of Taurean Suns have been blocked by that darn Saturn creature, but know that’s he s moving along and by early January he’s off your grid. Uranus has been shuffling heavy furniture over head and that’s been both good and not so great. Change is being directed right at you!
MAY 10-17th You are still one of the luckier ones to have both Neptune and Pluto! Moving so close and supportive as they are! One turd in the punchbowl is that Mars forming a yod to your Suns early month is not helpful.
MAY 19- 22nd Wow is all I can say, because you are in a crucial but good! Life changing time with Rahu, king of destiny and fate joining your Suns, and then, Mars briefly accenting this very early October.. Destiny is being played out here.
May 28- June 3d having Saturn side bar your Suns is terrific , supportive, adding strength to your everyday! Then to have Mars helping out, what could be better?
JUNE 12-15th My my what a whirlwind month have you got there, Jupiter and Mars and Mercury are all teaming up to guide you , inspire you, energize you this weird month! You’re definitely one of the better off right now.
JUNE Most of the month 1—2n With Mars racing through The Libra sky, so helpful and energizing for you, and Mercury later month as well . I had to mention this, even though I don’t want to sound like a Sun Sign astrologer. Right David?
JULY 5-7th Ok, be very careful at this new moon of the 6th, I plain don’t like it at all! Don’t have a doctor visit, stay away from the banker, go internal, be calm, if you can !
JULY 16-19th I wish I had some upbeat cheerful news for you, but, instead I have to warn you about that crazy full moon event near the 20th as it targets you directly. Thankfully you have other natal planets and aspects, we all do, and they might bring some relief. Late November brings a nice surprise. Hold on!
AUGUST 1- 17th Happy Lions will most of you be this month, with all that positive air energy flowing towards you from Mercury, Jupiter and Mars! Oh and later month, you have Venus when she climbs over into Sag ringing your bell as well! 14 -17th birthdays can handle that yod from Pluto. Too many good things are there in spite of him.
AUGUST 19-23d I can’t hold back, ArmaG has to alert you to the early month craziness. But it goes soon enough. The New moon time isn’t very friendly.
SEPTEMBER 3- 9th Luckily for you this Uranian transit uplifts your Suns, that’s you! And don’t be surprised by all the new and different ideas you’re experiencing!
SEPTEMBER 14-20th With Pluto moving slowly in trine to your Suns, it’s been pretty nice, you have a security guard that no one can compete with!