Astrology June 2018
The month of the Twins just danced in under the beneficial rays of the late May full moon known as “The Flower full moon.” It’s entertainment time! Now to begin, Mercurius the happy hermaphrodite, loves being in his home sign, and over in Aquarius there’s super charged Mars to anchor him/her. I t’s going to be a highly creative and intellectual kind of first week. Anyone taking the SAT, GRE or LSAT ‘s right now?
I’m a particularly excited about this first week. Let me digress: Venus is in Cancer, placed perfectly with outer gods Neptune and Jupiter, and all of them swimming in water! It’s extremely rare and we’ll be needing this calmness mid month especially. I hope you ‘ll get to drink from the well too.
Late month changes with the tides, and then the Sheriff will arrive to restore order, or shut down the highway with the stability pattern laid out such as it is. Interesting times are in store for this month of duality. Let ‘s go check it out, shall we?
May 31st -JUNE -6th Now the lighter days extend into the work week, who said work? I meant the entertainment week, such a cast of chatty air connected to a highly creative Sun. Then here’s Mars to act like the show runner. Oh and the nodes of fate are tied in too! So that’s how you know that playtime can be a rather serious endeavor. Write the script and get that the contract too while you’re at it.
The addition of the Venusian line up in a 3 way with Neptune and Jupiter is well, dreamy, and also securely fastened to a checkbook for many. Why can’t every week be like this? Should you have planets in these degrees, well how nice for you! Scroll below to check.
June 7-8th The Aries moon of the 8th arrives like the skunk at the picnic, clashing with Pluto, and Venus, leaving an unpleasant aroma and adding to some underlying confusion. Take a step back, cover your nose. While were at it, is the summit on or off? Just peeking at Mr. Kim’s September 26, 1987 birth chart, one can see that it’s not going to be his best month. Quite the opposite. He was born into several very harsh aspects and even the softer ones are not spared right now either.
June 9-10th On a brighter note, the entry of Uranus into Taurus, both happily trined to Saturn makes for such a helpful combination of aspects! It’s the beginning of something very new, and welcomed at that. He’s balanced to Uranus, that usually erratic character, brilliant yes, and he’ll remain in sensible and financially savvy Taurus for seven years, attired
now in his nice gray business suit. Sanity, hello, are you returning? This combo, happily, will stay in orb for way longer than just a month.
June 12th -14th The New Moon in Gemini, June 13th, (12:49pm PDT), the so called “dark of the Moon” time, is upon us. This new moon clashes slightly with power mad Pluto, he being the one who really does control the nuclear codes. Wait there’s more. Mercury has now entered emotional Cancer while squaring Chiron; we’re getting to the dicey parts of the month. Caution here, please hold back, watch and listen. Planets are changing signs. Both Mercury and the moon as of Thursday, will be sitting on a direct line opposite Captain Saturn. Ok I’ll stop here, I think you get it. I may add, that at the time of this lunation (new moon folks) the moon will become void of course, meaning that nothing of any consequence will matter until right after midnight Thursday since Luna is free floating in the sky, unanchored. Don’t sign a anything important. I wouldn’t.
June 14th Someone ‘s birthday will be on June 14th,.. Yep President Trump will be 72 and we’ll look at his solar return, the chart that best describes the year ahead for someone. What do we have? Please know that I’m not taking on any particular political posture, just reporting what I see. DJT’s birthday chart for the year ahead, shows a map of conflicted angles, a host of problems, the house of relationships, (read that as you will) most targeted with hardly any way out. Rather than just ramble on I’ll summarize by saying that his emotions will be highly flammable and even more concerning would be the July eclipses but that’s a month away. Too bad they just can’t move this summit to early June. Oh that’s right, we’re there now.
June 18-20th Neptune turning retrograde on the 18th might be the cause for some alarm regarding water damage, but I’m not totally convinced because of Jupiter’s influence. I’m feeling better with the steady Virgo moon, especially Tuesday, the Day of Mars, all because of how the earthy moon anchors several characters in the sky. It’s one of my favorite days. Please make use of it!
June 21st-27th Mars slows up, as it turns retrograde which intensifies the his mojo, then, for the next two months while facing backwards he’ll be slowly churning up whatever emotional soil is left untended. So best to finish projects while you can.
Then here comes an energetic shift not quite like early month’s happy face as we move into later month. This full or “Buck Moon”, so called because the deers’ antlers are now beginning to sprout, is hanging close to Saturn, thus creating an admonishing type of moon phase with its list of regulations.
Ok I’ll take it. We can use some boundaries just about now. This master of Discipline, Saturn, has arrived in conflict to Chiron. If affecting any key points in your own charts it could sound the clarion call to try and heal old wounds if you possibly can. The positive power of this full moon lies in its strength. Water and earth blended together, delivering a steady hand to all projects. Add seeds and things will grow. Nice.
As you must realize by now, everyone’s chart is different, and the entire picture may have one or more mitigating factors, such as beneficent aspects that uplift and heal.
June 30th Mercury crossing into Leo revives somewhat the joyful days of earlier month, and that Aquarian moon with Mars means it’s one intensely happy time, Just drive safely.
DAYS OF POWER AND INFLEUNCE TO USE: 1, 6,12,18,19!!, 22, 23, 27,30
The following birthdays are based on the very close degrees of the Sun, not a wide swath of an entire month, for which I could never be specific. This is as close as one can get without a true chart based on an accurate time of birth. Normally having someone’s Moon, rising and Sun are the three great components with which to start reading a horoscope. However, the Sun is still very significant for it represents your soul, how you manifest yourself and live out your karma in this lifetime. The Sun is also a major health indicator but its house position will tell even more of the story. If you need to see your chart for these details, just follow the links to one or both of the choices provided, Lunarium or Astrodienst.
JUNE 2-4th Hey, a pretty nice birthday gift with the water trio including Ms. Venus herself. I’m not making any promises only to say it’s sure to be a better year ahead and with Mercury over your Sun you might hear this a few times: “Would you PLEASE stop talking! “
JUNE 12-14TH These New moon days are yours, which means a strong beginning kind of vibe in whichever house this lands, or area of your life. I would like to say these are smooth days… but some conflict seems to be rising up out of the sand, like an ancient fossil or tooth.
A bone to pick.
JUNE 20- 21st Very interesting time we have right here with Venus and Mars facing over at each other while sitting on a node of the moon, Rahu and Ketu,. To use English, it’s quite meaningful, and maybe even prosperous with the lovely Libra moon so connected AND the Mercurial conjoining to Jupiter and Neptune moment! I’d take this and run with it!
JULY 5-7th Early July birthday Suns have the added gift of water harmony, mermaids on flutes?? No seriously, it’s very copacetic, and stay all year like this since it’s your solar return. Now, about that Mars and Mercury opposing, they are having words, so don’t raise your Voice. Revert to that calm water place. Take a lobster to dinner.
JULY 12-14th Here’s a moment, right near the June solstice (21st ok?) when some confusing and loud disputatious moments can occur. Otherwise you’ve already been dealing with that harsh pull of Pluto trying to change your life. These days bring all that up. Again.
July 26-27th Venus striking a karmic point makes an interesting mark for you born right here. Because it’s Venus, the outcome third week of June, should be pretty helpful
AUGUST 1-2nd Augustus would be proud of his offspring here, seeing as the opposing romantic warriors, Mars and Venus, are riding with the nodes thus making this is a time for definition and action. It’s about the heart and saying what you feel. Action, especially when Mars stations right overhead at the end of the month, look out !
AUGUST 28-31ST Later in the month of June, the full moon accents your own very strong Suns, with wingmen on both sides, Saturn and moon in Capricorn, Sun in Cancer. In fact ‘Saturn has been on your team for a couple of months now, you must have been feeling it!
SEPTEMBER 5-8th So what if the Sun is square to your Sun! The best and biggest part is the nice water ballet of Jupiter, Neptune and Venus, in the first part of June, enhancing, dressingup, your stolid practical Suns!
SEPTEMBER 11-15th Now children of earthy Mercury, listen up, this strong pull from Pluto will continue for a couple of years, well into 2020, and you’ll all be the better for it, regardless of any minor disruptions. It will solidify your lives bringing about welcome change.
SEPTEMEBR 22-25th Later June the rays of Mars and Venus to the nodes present a strong and happy moment for you on the very early Libra team. It’s pretty great actually.
OCTOBER 11-13th Odd as it may seem, you might be the only kids on the block to like the rays of the June 13th New Moon, and it could offset that heavy hand Pluto has been dealing you.
OCTOBER 20-23d Very intriguing times are upon your chosen dates here, it will be a several Month’s ride of challenges but not all terrible! You are being asked to push yourself to do things you have been holding back on even trying. That’s over now.
October 30-NOVEMBER 2nd Late this month is a odd time, you get an up and a note of “be careful”. The Full moon of the 29th is your gift, strong and steady is this one for you! But the Martian push means you are probably over doing things and wearing yourself out, so pace yourselves! And then there’s Jupiter sliding in very close to your Suns, so no complaints! Ok?
Look at the next one down, it s close to you as well.
NOVEMBER 3-6th You lucky Scorpions you, or maybe it’s the Eagle- the higher side emblem of Scorpio! Early month the close bond between Jupiter, Venus! And Neptune to your Suns is unmistakebly fabulous. And there is going to be a continuance.
NOVEMBER 29- DECEMBER 2ND Oh my good ness what is Mars trying to tell you? Get to work, get moving, something like that! Or maybe you’re on of those plus fire Sag’s who don’t need the push! Early month I hope you’re enjoying life! It’s all there for you to do just that!
DECEMBER mid month I’m not tooo crazy about, BUT as we know, there’s more to a chart than the Sun! The new moon faces over at you and highlights your game plan. July improves and August you’ll love!
JANUARY 1st This is a major time for you, and a steadying hand, not that your Capricorn brilliance ever needed one. The later month Full moon has your name on it, matters are highlighted. Your hard work will pay off!
JANUARY 8-12th Your life is changing, YOU are changing, this is a very rare aspect telling me that a metamorphosis is happening on the deepest level, your DNA even, of your being. Now the happy part is the sextile on both sides from Jupiter and then Neptune! Ideas will pay off!
JANUARY 30- FEBRUARY 1ST Wow some karma has been following you, and right now it couldn’t be more pronounced! You may feel like shooting off that arrow, try the target though. Whatever the issue is now is the right time to deal with it and correct things.
FEBRUARY 25-28TH These later Feb birthdays have the gift of the new moon angle along with Saturn. It’s strengthening and rewarding. Thank the heavens, I’m sure you will!
MARCH 1-57h Early month birthdays will be especially pleased with the astro dynamics in the sky above. That grand water trine is so lovely and a just a straight up gift for you! It’s love, success in projects, inspiration. Ok you understand I’m sure.
MARCH 24-30th Early in this month the planets are lined up in a perfect choreography, just to dance for you. It’s enlightening, and playful, and creative! Oh yaay! Early Aries can thrive right now! Later month, pull back, or just ruminate like Rumi.
APRIL 8-14 If you have a stomach ache or other annoying symptom, who could blame you? I mean when Pluto decides to take over and challenge you it could be like an insane late night phone call from the DOJ’s office.
APRIL 20-22nd Here we have the interesting arrival of planet Uranus overhead for you, it will awaken you to new ideas, if you let it. Otherwise it will just add some stress, but do try to see the higher possibilities! It will be like this for a while and with Saturn hanging out in early Capricorn should enhance your business plans! Late month’s new moon is helpful as well.
MAY 9-11th You lucky bulls you! Ok, that Plutonian iron rod steadying you is nothing to take lightly. Then!! With Venus sliding up near you in Cancer, Neptune in Pisces, it all adds up and even the opposition of Jupiter in Scorpio becomes an asset due to the watery mermen around you.
MAY 26-31st These late birthdays are really early Gemini, and the dancing air planets surround you with happy thoughts! And while were on the subject, later month, that Mars Venus thing will enhance you in bright and happy ways too!