Astrology May 2018
Hello dear readers and welcome to the month of May as it was swept in under the strong rays of the recent Beltane full moon in Scorpio. Being one of the year’s most powerful lunations, this moon in particular emitted an energy charge that will best describe the following 14 days. There was a reason why the Druids celebrated love and the promise of springtime under this full moon. They performed rituals to protect their crops and people and encourage their growth. They honored the earth. Maybe we can too!
It’s not a quiet month, the big news being planet Uranus moving into stable Taurus, May 16th, after 7 years swinging back and forth in rebellious Aries. Taurus is an earthy and financially resourceful sign, therefore to have Uranus here, when on good behavior, could very well spark a boon for real estate and other riches from the earth. Then Mars crosses over into Aquarius for 7 long months. There’s nothing subtle about this timing, as it lines up to the south node of fate and karma, Ketu (for you students of the cosmos) which has my aware and prepare alerts noted on the calendar for what comes down mid month and in the several weeks ahead.
There’s also a peak at the Royal wedding of May 19th; since I couldn’t help myself.
Then late month’s planetary geometry shifts us into an entirely different mode, a celebratory full moon, for a moment anyway. Let’s get back to those Druids! Only here it seems to appear in a more Geminesque way. We’ll have to see. Scroll down if you’re feeling brave.
The first few days of the month seem rather auspicious, Mercury to Venus in fire and water, along with a Sagittarian moon that lights all this up in a crescent form. The Crescent Moon was revered by the ancient Celts as the best moon time under which to perform rituals. I think they were on to something.
Cinco de Mayo is here! Saturday, oh and the Kentucky Derby as well ! It’s a nice weekend highlighted by a Capricorn moon to blend with the Sun in Taurus, and Jupiter with Neptune. Party time, yes! But in a reasonable earth centered way.
May 7-8th Now the first slight punch arrives under the Aquarian moon of Monday, adding to the clash of gods above. Best to watch what you say or sign If I were to plan anything important, it would be at 4:30 PDT or 7:30 EDT. As I always say, I like to use astrology and not let it use me.
May 9-10th My my, these are such strong days, the Moon in Pisces is blending so sweetly with that ongoing Neptune Jupiter higher love bond. Then the Sun and Pluto exactly paired.
Don’t tread on me! I mean what’s wrong that can’t be fixed here?
May 13th This day holds my attention and has for some time. Earlier it’s a little blah but then the powerful Aries moon combined with Uranus and Mercury later day presents one with a time to expand her vision and thoughts! Is it a film or book that sparks your inner brain fest? Write it down, Steve Jobs would approve.
New Moon May 15th Taurus trine Mars! Lunations are very significant, and this new Moon has me paying close attention. I think with all this Taurean energy balanced so neatly by Pluto, power to power as it were, that it could balance the economic picture in spite of the astro sword dance that has Mars and Uranus taunting each other.
May 16-18th The change into fixed signs occurs right here, today for Mars and Uranus, into Aquarius and Taurus. The Gemini moon will serve to activate some emotional outpourings that might hit the verbal universe and twittersphere with the blaring of a trumpet. No, it’s not the smoothest day.
May 19TH WEDDING DAY YOU KNOW WHO OF COURSE! Yes, we’ll look at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s chart as promised last month.
I always look to the date and time of a wedding, it’s the birth time of the marriage. Did the the bride and groom have some astro help with this event? Because at the time of “I do” that affectionate family loving Cancer moon stands in such perfect harmony to outer planets Jupiter and Neptune. It doesn’t get any better than that! Diving a little deeper into both of their charts ,Harry and Meghan together have very strong chemistry and charisma,. Her Venus in Virgo links to his Virgo Sun and Mercury. They enhance each other, she may even soften his speech and slight impulsivity. ! Harry’s Mars to her Moon in water signs is another connection I look for. You need at least five strong links in doing synastry to recommend a relationship. The two of them have a couple of contacts that will spark differences which only makes life more exciting. I have no problem with that.
Meghan Markel’s birthday is on the same day as Obama’s, August 4th, but in 1981, Los Angeles,4:46 AM. The chart shows me some definite moments of stress and angst carefully hidden beneath her beautiful smile these past few weeks. It’s can’t be easy to endure the onslaught of publicity and comments from around the globe. The couple of weeks prior to her wedding will have some emotional crows clawing at her heart but most likely hidden from public view. I’m thinking it may have to do with her family since the aspect triggers childhood issues and her hardest natal aspect . The beginning of May looks rough for her.
Her gift is that Vedic ascendant, Punarvasu (late Cancer in Western), strong and dignified, also protecting her through out her life. It’s one of the most fortunate rising sign degrees to have . The rising sign is the first thing I look for in a chart.
Then turning my telescope further into the year, I find some very exciting heart centered, yep you’re reading my mind, news, near November although the public may not find out until a little bit later, January? But heck, there are leakers everywhere these days!
May 20-23d So many changes are on the table right now. Don’t be surprised if you feel like the wheel has turned in the opposite direction. Blame the stars, as Shakespeare once said. Right in here is a very rare and slightly disturbing aspect to stay in orb for many weeks that has, in past times, explained away some aggressive behavior, be it personal for some, global for many. Curiosity led me to check Mr. Kim Jong Un’s chart and his power drive aspect is mightily threatened right here. We can hope that the beautiful harmony between Jupiter and Neptune, besides inspiring art and music, might be a calming and uplifting factor. I always look for mitigating aspects to level out the harsher ones .
May 25-27th Early Friday, PDT, the aspects shine, do something nice with these but not after 2:30 pm. Later Saturday, the harmonious moments return, Sunday is even better! Then I start to get excited for the generous hearted full moon coming into play and making the late month an ideal time!
May 29-31st The Sagittarian full Moon facing across and lighting up the Gemini Sun’s thinking mind, while accented by Mars in Aquarius, is just a straight up gift of brilliance and mental acuity . It’s a celebratory Memorial Day for sure, and we’ll take advantage of all the lighter moments, won’t we guys?!
DAYS OF POWER AND INFLEUNCE TO USE! 5, 10, 12,13!!,14,18,22 !!27, 29!! June 1st
The following birthdays are based on the very close degrees of the Sun, not a wide swath of an entire month, for which I could never be specific. This is as close as one can get without a true chart based on an accurate time of birth. Normally having someone’s Moon, rising and Sun are the three great components with which to start reading a horoscope.
However, the Sun is still very significant for it represents your soul, how you manifest yourself and live out your karma in this lifetime. The Sun is also a major health indicator but its house position will tell even more of the story. If you need to see your chart for these details, just follow the links to one or both of the choices provided, Lunarium or Astrodienst.
MAY 4, 5th When the Sun and Moon hang out together in a perfect earth arrangement like now, and it’s YOUR chart, and Pluto ‘s involved! It’s so strong and what a nice solar ( i.e. Birthday) chart for your year ahead. Communication is pretty good too, and oh yes, it’s Cinqo de Mayo, so have a Margarita for me, ok?
MAY 9, 10th Strong and ferocious is this birthday chart, but how much do I love that Pisces moon with Jupiter etc. all together! It speaks to a great year ahead, some wonderful news will land on your doorstep later year.
MAY 29th This Full moon birthday is dynamite, I mean energized beyond the legal limits of intellectual ability and mental expansion. Sure, put that book idea out there, turn in that manuscript, this is your time, your year!
JUNE 14-18th Now there isn’t a lot that’s exact on the Gemini Sun this month, however, mid month, say the 15-17th, the Moon and Venus will shine a light on you that’s hard to avoid. So take your bow then.
JUNE 25-29th Later May will find you with a dance of opposites, Saturn facing across to Venus over your head, so it’s like “this is your moment” a challenge yes, but also a gift could be delivered.
JULY 3-9th This covers a large swath of Cancerian Suns, so I can barely control my fingers as I write to tell you about the fantastic water trine of Jupiter and Neptune to your natal Suns and selves! Wishes come true! Go out on the limb, it will be ok! Even if I don’t know your moon or rising, and that’s rare for me.
JULY 14- 21st Now here comes Armagedda to warn you later Cancer babies of the clash of swords overhead, best if you lay low, like a snake ; don’t leave the cave. Then after a few days in mid May, it will leave. Better to be forwarned, right?
AUGUST 4-10th Now sturm and drang are hindering you, but it’s a short run, you just have to work harder since that ‘s what this aspect does to one. But for the first half of May, little Venus is holding your hand and the weekend of the 12th is a good time.
AUGUST 20-23d Very early Virgos here, so blessed are you to have been born under the star Magha, whose the true meaning is that of the ruler who serves his/her people. You will have the added gift of Uranus moving over into earth and holding you up like the star you are! For way over a year plus! Then later May, Venus comes in to join he party. You just can’t pay money for certain things!
SEPTEMBER 9-12th You are so fortunate to have such strong earth support, I mean you could build a castle, and not out of sand! Mid month has your name on a brass plate. Go for it!
SEPTEMBER 14-20th The first part of this month sees such a strong Mars aspect to you Suns, it’s like you have a strong security force to help you get through anything ! You ‘ll do it , I know you will!
OCTOBER 17-21st I wish I could spin you a fairy tale of bliss and roses, alas, the first part of this month is anything but! However, if you view these two weeks as a time to take on the challenger, helmet in place, you could very well overcome it! Don’t drop your flag!
OCTOBER 28-31st Later month of May especially, the Venus and Saturn party, support you in wonderfully strong ways. Don’t be shy about putting your toe out there. We’ll get into the Mars in Aquarius drama next time ! It’s just another way to push you toward your goal.
NOVEMBER 3-10th My how fortunate can one be to have Jupiter expanding and rewarding with the additional help of Neptune. It’s so inspiring and rare! I’m sure you won’t waste a minute.
NOVEMBER late month, 28-30th The late May full moon has your name etched on its lunar face. And how exciting is that! Coming around the bend is this Mars aspect that acts like a steroid injection. Like you needed it.
DECEMBER 13-18th The first half of May is pretty nice for you, lots of astro geometry to take note of. That dynamite aspect of the May 12th weekend should not be wasted!! Act on it! It’s in your favor!
DECEMBER 20-22nd Now it gets interesting, the Uranus in Taurus move will excite, expand, heighten and enlighten! For many months to follow! It’s time for your brilliance to shine !
JANUARY Mid January birthdays, 11-15th harken to the stars, mid month’s new moon was made for you oh yes and then there’s that Pluto addition. And even better with the Jupiter and Neptune wingmen! Take advantage, I don’t know a Capricorn Sun who wouldn’t !
JANUARY 19-21st Hmm, something’s up I mean way up there in the sky. Near the 10th-14th of the month be very careful, in one way you’re being pushed and activated, that’s okay, but the stress might just get to be too much. The triggers are there, but you’ve been feeling them already I’m sure.
FEBRUARY 8-19th Early May up to the new moon near the 14th, are the better days for most Aquarians and you know how I feel about Sun sign astrology. But the inner planets Venus and Mercury are racing along together side by side with you and my fave times are the 7th and 8th!
FEBRUARY 24-29th I’m not really thrilled with the late month’s full moon action towards your Suns. Happily it’s a short leash and the Saturn and Venus dance provides quite a nice
balance to your watery industrial selves. Remember you’re born under that Vedic star Shatibashak so fortunate in that he sees through all things and gets to the core, like a surgeon or the 100 physicians that describes this sign.
MARCH 5-12th The exact watery balance of Jupiter to Neptune, who is swimming nicely over your watery cave, is pretty nice. It’s inspiring, spiritual, artistic and musical. Take your pick. Luckily, a couple of earth planets are helping out as well! This provides a great boost for your goals and ideals. If your Venus is placed in these degrees, well you know what to do.
MARCH 17-21st Those of you born on these few March birthdays have the most intense energy beaming down on you. It’s very strong, yes, but maybe even a bit annoying! Later year, sorry, is your best time, you’ll just have to wait a little while longer.
APRIL 16-22nd It has been a wild time, Wild Tales* is more like it. Mid May you could feel overwhelmed and fed up, so lean back a while, calm your fiery Aries early Taurean selves down. It’s not the safest moment, I’d be very careful of mechanical mishaps like driving your truck off the road or a similar incident. The 20-22nd birthdays will feel the direct impact of this Mars square to Uranus, it could feel a little crazy, but it will pass.
APRIL Very late April birthdays to May 2nd have the added bonus in later May of a cosmic support system. When Saturn lends a helping hand it’s hard to go astray. Venus also just slides in to add some gloss to your overall attractiveness.
* WILD TALES was a great mega award winning Argentinian movie