Astrology July 2016
July 1st Happy Canada Day to all you Brexiters and Remainers, and all our Northern neighbors. Carry on under this extraverted people's Gemini moon for a minute. This month we'll consider the powerful effects of the new and full moons and their impact for the fourteen days that follow. A slight history lesson ensues, so skip further down to see specific dates if you don't want to know about the USA's birthchart. We are still struggling to remain positive under this oppressive combination of Neptune and Saturn and the nodes, spawning terrorism all under the banner of false religion. All we can do is try to find our best days and celebrate them, cheerio mates.
July 1st. Today we see Mercury arriving on the exact point of the previous solstice, thereby activating that chaotic national and financial news. It's also the month dedicated to all those emotional sensitive, family oriented, security blanket thumbing, moon children!
July 2nd A brief clash regarding last minute decisions, maybe not so favorable. But then comes a three day hiatus as the new moon approaches, while in the slightly optimistic corner the water triplicity of the Sun, Neptune, and Venus in Cancer washes in a momentary calm period.
July 4th 4:02 am PDT the new moon arrives in Ardra. This cosmic expression sets up a spiritual and creative vibe. Look beautiful, dress up! Play music! It lifts the more restrictive qualities of Ardra, which is usually described in the Vedic texts as a "teardrop" but also rules water of all categories: dolphins, mermaids and of course, sharks. I'll let you draw that one out.
This congenial planetary party moves over into Tuesday the fifth, when the moon travels further into Cancer and blends with personal planets Venus and Mars. Thank you I'll take all that home and nest building energy. This new moon vibe as just described, sets up the background for the next two weeks. Head for the pool and try not to drown in the emotional deep end.
There have been numerous debates regarding the accurate birthtime of the USA chart. Whereas most astrologers revert to the so called "Sibley" chart of 5:15 pm LMT, Philadelphia, I prefer the time as provided by James Kelleher, a prominent Vedic astrologer. Kelleher was hired some years ago by a couple of Wall street firms (yes some have astrologers on their secret teams) to research the timing of "The Signing". After many days of intense research the Library of Congress, combing through letters by the document 's creator, Thomas Jefferson, he uncovered notes pertaining to the fact that they wanted to be through by "suppertime". As you may remember, "supper" was the evening meal; "dinner" was more often the noontime fare. Daylight Savings did not yet then exist, and the light was going down plus they were hungry, so Kelleher's estimation of 6:30 pm is closest to the correct time. It was later to be confirmed by an Indian guru/sage. (Another story for another time). I therefore adhere to the very critical 29th degree of Sagittarius rising, often called an "anoretic" degree (the 29th of each sign is a standout) which describes an expansive and philanthropic Jupiter as the ruler of the chart. Not to be overlooked, our altruistic Aquarian moon has some perfect trines attached to it and then we have Saturn, the highest planet and overlord of the chart, in an exact square power battle to the Sun..
The USA has a father conflict, after all the Colonists did rebel against patriarchal Britain. And right now, that Saturn conflict to the natal Sun, has been and is being mightily challenged for the last year or two. The new moon of this July fourth in our solar return, is actually re-emphasizing this dynamic and in a month of political conventions no less.
We're beneficent yet troubled by the "common man" represented by Saturn, versus the Sun or Jupiterian class, that is to say, the upper and wealthier segment of society. It stunned me actually, because this has been the ongoing dilemma inclusive of our racially troubled history. Rebellion against the status quo is part of the national psyche. That's just the way it is for better or worse and with Liberty and Justice for all.
And present time? Armagedda feels there to be an "earthquaky" sort of aspect prevailing overhead for this two hundred and forty year old Patriot. It's a roller coaster ride ahead for sure. A lot of radical changes and surprises will be heading toward the USA closer to the fall.
July 8 -10th I might choose these days, this weekend as one of the better moments of this July,
Because not only does the moon in pragmatic Virgo line up to Jupiter nicely, Mars and Venus are the happy duo, especially when sitting in water, Scorpio and Cancer. You know what that can mean, emotions are met at the heart's deepest level here.
July 11-13th the month starts to shift slightly here as personal planets Venus on Monday, moves into generous hearted Leo, followed by Mercury moving the same on Wednesday.
Monday's conflux of squares with the Libra moon rattled against the Pluto Uranian block, isn't sure just what to do. Better wait till tomorrow because a Scorpio moon will figure it out, although, I must add, try to avoid having surgery on a Scorpio moon day. Wednesday offers the better moments, the water trines of moon to Neptune can inspire one, deep intuition is also all the better to hear!
July 14th Bastille Day is here. So many national holidays in one month! The void of course moon after 3:30 Thursday means stand back, or 6:30 EDT, relax and have that champagne while avoiding any serious matters and don't sign anything major, ok?
July 15, 16th I'm pulling out these dates because, again, they look fairly optimistic with the Venus and Mercury fire trines to the Sagittarian moon with one little exception. Most of us will be asleep by eleven, won't we? Since that's when Saturn and the moon connect, and in a square to the great god of the seas, that gas giant, Neptune. All that does is bring up more uncertainty. I'll take the morning instead.
July 17-19th Now things change that the full moon is here, and along with the Republican convention in Cleveland. Full moon is exact at 6:56 pm EDT July 19th. Wouldn't you know, the full moon gets set off with a kerfuflle from Mr. Uranus, that devil. It's going to be a little on the wild side, a revolutionary moment. Whoever organized this hallmark event didn't consult the stars first m or did they?
This legendary Moon of 29 degrees, lands in Uttarashada ruled by guess what? ELEPHANTS, horses and warriors, men of valor and devotees of the gods,! Talk about synchronicity and the symbol of the elephant for the R team. Hmm, sounds very conservative to me.
The Sun on July 19th, arrives in the exalted and benefic Cancerian location of
Pushya, which preserves, protects and nourishes. It's ascribed to kings of virtue, wise men, as well as fishermen, and also basic food stuffs such as sugarcane, wheat. Does that sound like a certain orange haired person to you? I can't be sure.
The die is now cast for the next fourteen days, and it's a mixed bag for sure. Wealth and wisdom prevail but the obstacles of revolutionary causes and voices are very prominent. That's no surprise I'm thinking.
July 20-21st Early afternoon Wednesday this Aquarian moon blends with Saturn, while at odds with Venus and Mercury which only a minor detail, these are solvable issues. It's really a fairly happy day. Thursday's lunar clash with Mars is a little more serious but several other mitigating aspects will put out the feud.
July 25-28th Democratic Convention in Philadelphia: Begins joyfully although with a typically stubborn Aries moon aligned to Venus and Mercury. Thursday brings the more wild and intense energy one associates with a convention, there are so many exact aspects today,
And they aren't angry either! Ringside seat with popcorn if you can!
July 27th, the brilliance of Mercury perfectly matched to Uranus gives us a days' worth of ingenuity and great ideas. It's one of the very few days to circle and celebrate for several its neatly coalescing aspects. The Taurus moon today resides in Krittika, a sharp edged razor like section of this usually sound sign. Of course we can expect some sharp and cutting words , after all it's the Patriot's political festival. It's the Saturn team's time. He's the goat (or donkey?) that trods up the steep hill no matter what boulders he has to climb over.
July 28th although a Taurus moon usually implies a steady hand and matched to Jupiter like it is later in the day, nothing clear happens until after 2:15 pm since the void moon means no decisions that will last. As a matter of fact all presidential nominees who have been selected during a void moon, did not win the presidency. But the nominee will no doubt have been selected before this day, Jacqueline Onassis' birthday.
July 29th Uranus turns retrograde today, back towards the center of Aries for a while, just to be sure he didn't miss anyone there. It's a bit of a wild day to be sure. Above in the very early morning sky, if you can't sleep and don't know why, check out the Delta Aquarids meteor showers. It's so fun when the sky entertains us!
July 30-31st the month ends with another Cancerian moon at odds with Pluto and perfect to Neptune, I mean that's' hopeful and all under a predominantly Leonine sky . And this overload of celestial fire planets doesn't take things lying down.
DAYS OF POWER AND INFLUENCE: 3, 4!!, 9, 13,16,18, 20,25,27
The following birthdays are based on the very close degrees of the Sun, not a wide swath of an entire month, for which I could never be specific. This is as close as one can get without a true chart based on an accurate time of birth. Normally having someone's Moon, rising and Sun are the three great components with which to start reading a horoscope. If you need to see your chart for these details, just follow the links to one or both of the choices provided, Lunarium or Astrodienst.
July 4th those of you born on America's birthday will share the new moon aspect, which, fortunately, has some nice angles attached to it. This creates your solar, or birthday year, return and I must say Id be happy with it myself. With these steadying aspects from Jupiter and Mars, it's pretty nice.
JULY 13-17th It's pretty fiery and dynamic now for such water based souls as you. A push -me-pull-you is at work, driving you to go forward, while setting up an obstacle course at the same time. But these planets do move, which is one reason we love astrology.
JULY 30-AUGUST 2nd Later month is especially helpful to you, I mean one of the few. A strong steady hand of Saturn is an undeniable plus, and then some light rays from Venus and Mercury at the same time. Very uplifting and positive in spite of those other sky clashes.
AUGUST 13-17th Uranus the wild creative spirit, is still holding court with your Suns and enabling you to climb the tallest peaks literally or otherwise. There is still that Martian craziness, so watch that your enthusiasm doesn't turn reckless. Plan your best days for the latter part of July.
AUGUST 31-September 2nd It's sort of harsh right this minute with the strong red line from Saturn preventing you from crossing over to your destination. Then, with Rahu over the Sun and then that Neptune delusion thing. I'm not gonna lie, (although why would I ?)
It's just not the best time in your life right this minute. Lay low, very low.
SEPTEMBER 5-9TH You are still among the luckier ones with the lovely earth trine on your Suns. Yes here may be some extenuating circumstances due to personal charts, but the Sun being a principal factor, is so strongly supported which means YOU, your endeavors and projects, see?
OCTOBER 1-4th A beacon of light shines on your life around the full moon of the 19th and 20th chapter. Go ahead and plan something nice, yours has not been an easy path for sometime.
OCTOBER 13-20th Be careful of over enthusiastic plans, the sky isn't providing the most advantageous time, the rebellion factor is highly activated in your life, in whatever form it may take. The hopeful side of this will be the last ten days or so of this month. The full moon period is not that friendly towards you either.
I'd avoid Rio and Cleveland if it were me.
The last few days of the month may bring some relief and answers!
NOVEMBER 1-6th A really wonderful trine (a good thing) holds in aspect for you early in the month of July. I mean when you have so many planets lined up perfectly, like the new moon, Mercury, Venus and Neptune, the nodes, and Jupiter! ok forget Saturn, you don't get everything. I always say act on these good moments, don't waste a good aspect, especially when there is so much clashing overhead.
NOVEMBER 15-21st Wow, that Martian character is literally racing to get to the finish line of Scorpio, which is why he is running an Olympian foot race over your chart. You now know why you feel so activated and alive!
DECEMBER 1-4th That annoying Saturn Neptune square has been so annoying, preventing you from achieving your heart's desire. It's been a lot of pressure for sure. Lighter moments are yours near the full moon period of the 17th. Nothing stays in place up there forever.
DECEMBER 13-18TH These are high energy weeks for most if not all of you and its also a very creative and inventive time and will continue with the Uranus retrograde late month. But just wait till next year when the great fire trine hits this degree, your Picasso moment, rarely in a lifetime. Meanwhile I especially like the last ten days of July for you !
JANUARY 6-8TH This very nice earth aspect to your Suns will no doubt support you in your plans and goals for a while. When Jupiter has your back, there's nothing better!
FEBRUARY 13-21st It feels so wild with Mars crashing into your life like this, I can only imagine. How rude. A little up comes with that Uranian planet, your ruling guy, especially harmonious with the Feb 13-15 people, the rets of you, your time comes in a few month's time. You'll love mid 2017!
MARCH 1-4th There's been this nasty grid directly overhead which is why you've been feeling so confused and out of sorts and maybe even a little depressed. Its wild legendary once ever in a lifetime moment, if that makes you feel any better. There's not much to do but carry on,
And go spiritual, if possible. Read Rumi, Omar Kayyham or whomever. These aspects never stay in place for more than a few months. Karmically or Cosmically it was just your turn.
MARCH 29-31st Such a different time this is, a beautiful fire trine guides your spirit later month especially. It's your moment. And you so deserve it.
APRIL 14-17th yes you're still in the electric grid of the rebel Uranus on your Suns. It's driving you to do extreme things, a common Arian tendency anyway. But maybe, just maybe, you'll go the Steve Jobs route and harness some genius because it's available if you so desire. Meanwhile, you may just feel put upon and pushed to the extreme.
MAY 13-17th This is a wild month for you, warrior like obstructions so for heaven's sake be careful. What's coming around the corner however, is very nice, but you just have to wait a little longer. Sorry.
MAY 6-8th a really nice earth confab is landing right where you'd like it to be, in your corner and it so helpful with finances and security!
JUNE 1-4th This has been rough, that Saturn creature being so difficult for so many months.
And confusing, with Neptune in there just to add more problems, which end is up you wonder? Later July brings some light and a welcome respite , and answers.1st Happy Canada Day to all you Brexiters and Remainers, and all our Northern neighbors. Carry on under this extraverted people's Gemini moon for a minute. This month we'll consider the powerful effects of the new and full moons and their impact for the fourteen days that follow. A slight history lesson ensues, so skip further down to see specific dates if you don't want to know about the USA's birthchart. We are still struggling to remain positive under this oppressive combination of Neptune and Saturn and the nodes, spawning terrorism all under the banner of false religion. All we can do is try to find our best days and celebrate them, cheerio mates.
July 1st. Today we see Mercury arriving on the exact point of the previous solstice, thereby activating that chaotic national and financial news. It's also the month dedicated to all those emotional sensitive, family oriented, security blanket thumbing, moon children!
July 2nd A brief clash regarding last minute decisions, maybe not so favorable. But then comes a three day hiatus as the new moon approaches, while in the slightly optimistic corner the water triplicity of the Sun, Neptune, and Venus in Cancer washes in a momentary calm period.
July 4th 4:02 am PDT the new moon arrives in Ardra. This cosmic expression sets up a spiritual and creative vibe. Look beautiful, dress up! Play music! It lifts the more restrictive qualities of Ardra, which is usually described in the Vedic texts as a "teardrop" but also rules water of all categories: dolphins, mermaids and of course, sharks. I'll let you draw that one out.
This congenial planetary party moves over into Tuesday the fifth, when the moon travels further into Cancer and blends with personal planets Venus and Mars. Thank you I'll take all that home and nest building energy. This new moon vibe as just described, sets up the background for the next two weeks. Head for the pool and try not to drown in the emotional deep end.
There have been numerous debates regarding the accurate birthtime of the USA chart. Whereas most astrologers revert to the so called "Sibley" chart of 5:15 pm LMT, Philadelphia, I prefer the time as provided by James Kelleher, a prominent Vedic astrologer. Kelleher was hired some years ago by a couple of Wall street firms (yes some have astrologers on their secret teams) to research the timing of "The Signing". After many days of intense research the Library of Congress, combing through letters by the document 's creator, Thomas Jefferson, he uncovered notes pertaining to the fact that they wanted to be through by "suppertime". As you may remember, "supper" was the evening meal; "dinner" was more often the noontime fare. Daylight Savings did not yet then exist, and the light was going down plus they were hungry, so Kelleher's estimation of 6:30 pm is closest to the correct time. It was later to be confirmed by an Indian guru/sage. (Another story for another time). I therefore adhere to the very critical 29th degree of Sagittarius rising, often called an "anoretic" degree (the 29th of each sign is a standout) which describes an expansive and philanthropic Jupiter as the ruler of the chart. Not to be overlooked, our altruistic Aquarian moon has some perfect trines attached to it and then we have Saturn, the highest planet and overlord of the chart, in an exact square power battle to the Sun..
The USA has a father conflict, after all the Colonists did rebel against patriarchal Britain. And right now, that Saturn conflict to the natal Sun, has been and is being mightily challenged for the last year or two. The new moon of this July fourth in our solar return, is actually re-emphasizing this dynamic and in a month of political conventions no less.
We're beneficent yet troubled by the "common man" represented by Saturn, versus the Sun or Jupiterian class, that is to say, the upper and wealthier segment of society. It stunned me actually, because this has been the ongoing dilemma inclusive of our racially troubled history. Rebellion against the status quo is part of the national psyche. That's just the way it is for better or worse and with Liberty and Justice for all.
And present time? Armagedda feels there to be an "earthquaky" sort of aspect prevailing overhead for this two hundred and forty year old Patriot. It's a roller coaster ride ahead for sure. A lot of radical changes and surprises will be heading toward the USA closer to the fall.
July 8 -10th I might choose these days, this weekend as one of the better moments of this July,
Because not only does the moon in pragmatic Virgo line up to Jupiter nicely, Mars and Venus are the happy duo, especially when sitting in water, Scorpio and Cancer. You know what that can mean, emotions are met at the heart's deepest level here.
July 11-13th the month starts to shift slightly here as personal planets Venus on Monday, moves into generous hearted Leo, followed by Mercury moving the same on Wednesday.
Monday's conflux of squares with the Libra moon rattled against the Pluto Uranian block, isn't sure just what to do. Better wait till tomorrow because a Scorpio moon will figure it out, although, I must add, try to avoid having surgery on a Scorpio moon day. Wednesday offers the better moments, the water trines of moon to Neptune can inspire one, deep intuition is also all the better to hear!
July 14th Bastille Day is here. So many national holidays in one month! The void of course moon after 3:30 Thursday means stand back, or 6:30 EDT, relax and have that champagne while avoiding any serious matters and don't sign anything major, ok?
July 15, 16th I'm pulling out these dates because, again, they look fairly optimistic with the Venus and Mercury fire trines to the Sagittarian moon with one little exception. Most of us will be asleep by eleven, won't we? Since that's when Saturn and the moon connect, and in a square to the great god of the seas, that gas giant, Neptune. All that does is bring up more uncertainty. I'll take the morning instead.
July 17-19th Now things change that the full moon is here, and along with the Republican convention in Cleveland. Full moon is exact at 6:56 pm EDT July 19th. Wouldn't you know, the full moon gets set off with a kerfuflle from Mr. Uranus, that devil. It's going to be a little on the wild side, a revolutionary moment. Whoever organized this hallmark event didn't consult the stars first m or did they?
This legendary Moon of 29 degrees, lands in Uttarashada ruled by guess what? ELEPHANTS, horses and warriors, men of valor and devotees of the gods,! Talk about synchronicity and the symbol of the elephant for the R team. Hmm, sounds very conservative to me.
The Sun on July 19th, arrives in the exalted and benefic Cancerian location of
Pushya, which preserves, protects and nourishes. It's ascribed to kings of virtue, wise men, as well as fishermen, and also basic food stuffs such as sugarcane, wheat. Does that sound like a certain orange haired person to you? I can't be sure.
The die is now cast for the next fourteen days, and it's a mixed bag for sure. Wealth and wisdom prevail but the obstacles of revolutionary causes and voices are very prominent. That's no surprise I'm thinking.
July 20-21st Early afternoon Wednesday this Aquarian moon blends with Saturn, while at odds with Venus and Mercury which only a minor detail, these are solvable issues. It's really a fairly happy day. Thursday's lunar clash with Mars is a little more serious but several other mitigating aspects will put out the feud.
July 25-28th Democratic Convention in Philadelphia: Begins joyfully although with a typically stubborn Aries moon aligned to Venus and Mercury. Thursday brings the more wild and intense energy one associates with a convention, there are so many exact aspects today,
And they aren't angry either! Ringside seat with popcorn if you can!
July 27th, the brilliance of Mercury perfectly matched to Uranus gives us a days' worth of ingenuity and great ideas. It's one of the very few days to circle and celebrate for several its neatly coalescing aspects. The Taurus moon today resides in Krittika, a sharp edged razor like section of this usually sound sign. Of course we can expect some sharp and cutting words , after all it's the Patriot's political festival. It's the Saturn team's time. He's the goat (or donkey?) that trods up the steep hill no matter what boulders he has to climb over.
July 28th although a Taurus moon usually implies a steady hand and matched to Jupiter like it is later in the day, nothing clear happens until after 2:15 pm since the void moon means no decisions that will last. As a matter of fact all presidential nominees who have been selected during a void moon, did not win the presidency. But the nominee will no doubt have been selected before this day, Jacqueline Onassis' birthday.
July 29th Uranus turns retrograde today, back towards the center of Aries for a while, just to be sure he didn't miss anyone there. It's a bit of a wild day to be sure. Above in the very early morning sky, if you can't sleep and don't know why, check out the Delta Aquarids meteor showers. It's so fun when the sky entertains us!
July 30-31st the month ends with another Cancerian moon at odds with Pluto and perfect to Neptune, I mean that's' hopeful and all under a predominantly Leonine sky . And this overload of celestial fire planets doesn't take things lying down.
DAYS OF POWER AND INFLUENCE: 3, 4!!, 9, 13,16,18, 20,25,27
The following birthdays are based on the very close degrees of the Sun, not a wide swath of an entire month, for which I could never be specific. This is as close as one can get without a true chart based on an accurate time of birth. Normally having someone's Moon, rising and Sun are the three great components with which to start reading a horoscope. If you need to see your chart for these details, just follow the links to one or both of the choices provided, Lunarium or Astrodienst.
July 4th those of you born on America's birthday will share the new moon aspect, which, fortunately, has some nice angles attached to it. This creates your solar, or birthday year, return and I must say Id be happy with it myself. With these steadying aspects from Jupiter and Mars, it's pretty nice.
JULY 13-17th It's pretty fiery and dynamic now for such water based souls as you. A push -me-pull-you is at work, driving you to go forward, while setting up an obstacle course at the same time. But these planets do move, which is one reason we love astrology.
JULY 30-AUGUST 2nd Later month is especially helpful to you, I mean one of the few. A strong steady hand of Saturn is an undeniable plus, and then some light rays from Venus and Mercury at the same time. Very uplifting and positive in spite of those other sky clashes.
AUGUST 13-17th Uranus the wild creative spirit, is still holding court with your Suns and enabling you to climb the tallest peaks literally or otherwise. There is still that Martian craziness, so watch that your enthusiasm doesn't turn reckless. Plan your best days for the latter part of July.
AUGUST 31-September 2nd It's sort of harsh right this minute with the strong red line from Saturn preventing you from crossing over to your destination. Then, with Rahu over the Sun and then that Neptune delusion thing. I'm not gonna lie, (although why would I ?)
It's just not the best time in your life right this minute. Lay low, very low.
SEPTEMBER 5-9TH You are still among the luckier ones with the lovely earth trine on your Suns. Yes here may be some extenuating circumstances due to personal charts, but the Sun being a principal factor, is so strongly supported which means YOU, your endeavors and projects, see?
OCTOBER 1-4th A beacon of light shines on your life around the full moon of the 19th and 20th chapter. Go ahead and plan something nice, yours has not been an easy path for sometime.
OCTOBER 13-20th Be careful of over enthusiastic plans, the sky isn't providing the most advantageous time, the rebellion factor is highly activated in your life, in whatever form it may take. The hopeful side of this will be the last ten days or so of this month. The full moon period is not that friendly towards you either.
I'd avoid Rio and Cleveland if it were me.
The last few days of the month may bring some relief and answers!
NOVEMBER 1-6th A really wonderful trine (a good thing) holds in aspect for you early in the month of July. I mean when you have so many planets lined up perfectly, like the new moon, Mercury, Venus and Neptune, the nodes, and Jupiter! ok forget Saturn, you don't get everything. I always say act on these good moments, don't waste a good aspect, especially when there is so much clashing overhead.
NOVEMBER 15-21st Wow, that Martian character is literally racing to get to the finish line of Scorpio, which is why he is running an Olympian foot race over your chart. You now know why you feel so activated and alive!
DECEMBER 1-4th That annoying Saturn Neptune square has been so annoying, preventing you from achieving your heart's desire. It's been a lot of pressure for sure. Lighter moments are yours near the full moon period of the 17th. Nothing stays in place up there forever.
DECEMBER 13-18TH These are high energy weeks for most if not all of you and its also a very creative and inventive time and will continue with the Uranus retrograde late month. But just wait till next year when the great fire trine hits this degree, your Picasso moment, rarely in a lifetime. Meanwhile I especially like the last ten days of July for you !
JANUARY 6-8TH This very nice earth aspect to your Suns will no doubt support you in your plans and goals for a while. When Jupiter has your back, there's nothing better!
FEBRUARY 13-21st It feels so wild with Mars crashing into your life like this, I can only imagine. How rude. A little up comes with that Uranian planet, your ruling guy, especially harmonious with the Feb 13-15 people, the rets of you, your time comes in a few month's time. You'll love mid 2017!
MARCH 1-4th There's been this nasty grid directly overhead which is why you've been feeling so confused and out of sorts and maybe even a little depressed. Its wild legendary once ever in a lifetime moment, if that makes you feel any better. There's not much to do but carry on,
And go spiritual, if possible. Read Rumi, Omar Kayyham or whomever. These aspects never stay in place for more than a few months. Karmically or Cosmically it was just your turn.
MARCH 29-31st Such a different time this is, a beautiful fire trine guides your spirit later month especially. It's your moment. And you so deserve it.
APRIL 14-17th yes you're still in the electric grid of the rebel Uranus on your Suns. It's driving you to do extreme things, a common Arian tendency anyway. But maybe, just maybe, you'll go the Steve Jobs route and harness some genius because it's available if you so desire. Meanwhile, you may just feel put upon and pushed to the extreme.
MAY 13-17th This is a wild month for you, warrior like obstructions so for heaven's sake be careful. What's coming around the corner however, is very nice, but you just have to wait a little longer. Sorry.
MAY 6-8th a really nice earth confab is landing right where you'd like it to be, in your corner and it so helpful with finances and security!
JUNE 1-4th This has been rough, that Saturn creature being so difficult for so many months.
And confusing, with Neptune in there just to add more problems, which end is up you wonder? Later July brings some light and a welcome respite , and answers.