Astrology August 2014

Hello all, well I wish I could be one of those Pollyanna astrologers who toss out bon mots and promise sunny days with flower bouquets wrapped in a fortune cookie. But, sadly, I'm not that person and as I look at the health scan of August 's astrology, especially the full moon locale in middle Leo, I am reminded of its vedic symbol, Asclepius, the healer with his serpentine staff, the medical caduceus . He will need to produce the right kind of poison antidote to get us through this month of numerous conflicts and ebola.

Mars, the warrior god, has now entered one of his most formidable places, that of Scorpio. Sword in teeth, he wants to take what is his.

Fury unleashed, diplomacy is for someone else, until mid September that is.
With 41 active war zones, refugees massing at our southern borders, and a market reflecting the uncertainty,
There is little to celebrate with the exception of a few light moments, near the 12th and 17th. Saturn's continuing trine to Chiron in Pisces gives us a little support, and the creative energies released early on with Neptune and Mars trine may offer inspiration but as for the rest, here we go:

The first couple of August days are encased in a tight square pattern with hardly a way out of the headlock. See below for specific birthdays impacted by this, or if your moon is located in early Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio or Leo. Lunarium (here) is provided to locate your degree and sign for this purpose.

Jupiter has crossed over into Leo to match up to the Sun's brilliant rays, nice except there's that Mars problem. How long will these “truces” last? The ongoing Uranus Pluto grid keeps grinding away adding to the global harshness and there's no holding back right now. Their impact will not be improving anytime soon, not until March 2015 do we get any relief from these two bullies, and only then might the similarities to the late 60' subside. Mercury has jumped over into Leo as well, he couldn't resist. The Sun shines verbally here, and finds support with Jupiter. This is helpful even in a negative the square pattern, since this can actually provide just the right energy to produce something meaningful. Frustration and anxiety can actually serve a purpose and force one to find a way out of the box.

August 3, 4th, Three planets in Scorpio add to the intensity of the moment; truths must be spoken. Wait, there is actually a helpful aspect involving Neptune and Venus — for a few days anyway.

Creative types take note. inspiration is yours,. This might bring a little birthday gift for Mr. Obama, since today, the 4th, finds his birthday return chart this year with few easy aspects. November will present his biggest challenge. And yes Hawaii was a state by 7:42 am AHST August 4, 1961.

August 5th 6th finds the uplifting Sagittarian moon lining up to the other fire planets, energy unbounded, spirits lifted. For a few days anyway.

August 8th, biggest best power day of the month, I have my fingers crossed here. A pragmatic grounded Capricorn moon is a welcome sight when combined peacefully with some other planets. So many exact match ups today, I'm hopeful that many decisions will be able to come away from the table in right here in spite of the blocking elements.

August 10th, we are now under the blinding rays of the next “Super Moon, 11:09 am pdt, whose proximity to the earth makes it so. The Sun sits here in the nakshatra or “lunar house” of Ashlesha, the sacred serpent, whose ascerbic, tongue and selfish nature, can produce an equal and opposite effect. So let's talk snakes, since the secretive and inventive part of this nakshatra may well play into some deep discussions and late night negotiations on the world stage that can inflict poison as well as heal.

Such contradictions and confusion flourish under this Aquarian moon, because its unique star pattern, “Danistha”, or Dolphin, indicating expansion and foreign lands, holds a certain Scorpionic quality. The ongoing problem of Mars and Saturn malevolently crossed under this full moon, in this segment of Aquarius has trouble enough with relationships, although if there's a financial gain, he may listen. Eyes are on the Uranian sextile to the moon which has been seen to spark some genius intervention and surprises.

The antidote, oddly enough, has to do with music, its symbol being the drum, (drums of war?), but also the flute are it's hallmarks. Putin take note, you in the land of Tchaikovsky and Rachmoninoff, who just recently had 65 concert grand pianos placed on the ice at the orchestral finale to the Winter Olympics! “Music is my Ammunition”* could replace the missiles, and a sort of global harmony would prevail. It's your call, Vlad.
*(Playing for Change).

August 12th Venus moves into Leo and creates a momentary sextile to the Aries moon and Jupiter. Anything helps and we especially like these positive fire days.

The 15th a Taurus moon (we love this) and Mercury into Virgo will bring 3 earth planets to stabilize matters somewhat. Then onto the 17th when the lovely meet up between Venus and Jupiter can bring just the right amount of spice and excitement that 's been missing, which is especially nice for some of you early Leo's out there.

There could be some very positive moments here with the Cancer moon of the 19th-21st harmonizing with Mars and Saturn, who are getting a little too tight up there, indicating some strong words and actions.

The new moon of the 25th in Virgo, under the star called “Magha”, the true ruler of the group, will hopefully add its common sense to the confrontation of these dueling sky gods. Mars and Saturn are now exact and to be blunt, it's rough. This will most certainly bring about an intense moment for world affairs. The gauntlet is thrown, committed action is required, so powerful are these two days! I can use the Venus square Saturn of the 26th as a tool to sharpen and refine what it is I am creating. There is no turning back here.

Such a time! Such a world,! The Virgo new moon in opposition to Neptune, brings up all sorts of creative and transformative ideas, allowing art and music to shine here. We could certainly use this benefit, however slight it may be.

August 30, 31st the Scorpio moon returns to join the other Scorpio planets. Its connection to Chiron, the ancient healer and companion to Ascelpius, along with a nice Sun and Pluto trine in Virgo, mean some things should have been decided and if not before, now is the time. Personally, I have this time marked as a signature serious day, and in a positive way. There may be a flower bouquet afterall.

September 1st the Scorpio moon slides over into Sagittarius,
and by the 2nd, it sends a beautiful aspect to Jupiter and then to Venus. As well the Sun is in accord with Pluto. Seeing that Mercury now has its toe on Libra's diplomatic negotiating doorstep, gives me some hope.


DAYS OF POWER AND ACTION:1, 3, 8!!10, 15, 18, 25! 26


August 9, 10th a wild birthday for certain is yours this year. Lots of issues crawl out from under the carpet making this the decisive year. And its not all roses. There are obstacles for sure but you have the strength to meet them head on.

August 23d is always a powerful birthday with the Sun so tightly exact to the fixed star Regulus the King and ruler, the ultimate of the Leonine regal nature. Here the Leo moon meets Venus in an affectionate embrace. Such a nice birthday gift.

September 6-9th the new moon of the 25th has some very strong helpful aspects that will support almost all of your endeavors. Plan to take advantage of it ! Sextiles are the gifts of the universe, and you have 3 right now!

October 5-8th Oh lordy what frustration has been yours! I hope you've had good insurance because this has been a rather risky time as well.

November 6, 7, 8th that end month new moon period accentuates your plans going forward, and as tough as it may seem, you have what it takes. Don't falter for a moment, it's yours.

November 30- December 2nd well so much excitement looks to be yours in the third week of this month, I know you will take advantage of it. Party on.

December 24, 25thoh the new moon of the 25th shines on you even though its dark outside. Start something new, cut your hair, get a new outfit!

January 24, 25th opposite side of the year to July 23d, 24th but much the same, a short frustrating time early this month, to lift soon. The new moon benefits you near the 25th! Finally !

February 6-10th Saturn has been hammering you for a while now, exhausting I know. He's moving out slowly but surely, but you've had oddly enough, a backhanded gift from Rahu, a support team you didn't know about. Relief is on its way.

February 28 – March 1st, Neptune crossing over your Sun has two opposing meanings, one of dissolution , the other inspiration. Sounds like double talk, but then Neptune can be deceptive that way.

March 12-14th finally by the end of the month that powerful matchup of Scorpio planets and Chiron should bring you some finality to your dilemmas. At last.

March 26-30th, happiness, the third week, don't let it get away from you!

April 5-8th What a ride it's been, you've been the pony and the rider has been Uranus driving you. Heck you might have lost some weight with all that excitement and pressure. A break would have been nice, but now Ketu has added his wicked tail to it all, lashing out with karmic vengeance. He'll be gone in a month but it's been shocking.

April 22-25th this tight box of aspects early in August may serve to push you to greater heights as well as frustrate the heck out of you!

May 7-10th Same story as Aquarius, the Saturn problem has been hounding you for months and the late month new moon is the finale, at least it looks like it to me! After August 31st he moves never to return for 29 years. However, there are some pleasant aspects early in August, with Venus and Chiron adding a supportive geometric angle to your Sun.

June 7-9th Rahu, the moon's north node, is exactly in orb to your sun now, you might be feeling that positive push, it's a little gift.

June 27- 29th I like the aspect near August 7, 8 for you, it's blissful and creative, don't let it go by!

July 5-9th Wow, how nice to be you with a grand water trine lighting up your Cancerian sea cave! Early month is your time!

July 23d – 26th oh that Jupiter square Mars is right on your Sun early in August. The frustration and anger, only lasts a few days. But Jupiter in Leo all month will brighten things up for you,