Astrology October 2013

Hello all, well obviously October has begun on a less than auspicious note.

Mars and Venus are locked in a tight box; at cross purposes and setting off Scorpio eclipse energies. Then there’s the October 4th New Moon (5:46 pm PDT), mash up, oh dear, what a scene, yellow tape marking the collision site please. Some astrologers assign Jupiter (the king and benevolent wealthy ruler) to the Republicans, and Saturn (the common man) to the Democrats, which is interesting as we are under a planetary configuration, Game of Thrones anyone? Similar to 1864-5 and the Civil War. That being the case, watch for these two to slowly move into alignment and then slide back out again in the next couple of months. I see the Jupiter and Mercury harmony mid-month as a redeeming factor. The other cosmic happenings of the month are the Lunar Eclipse of the 18th and the Mercury retrograde right afterwards.

Book-ended between the two eclipses, of October 18 and November 2nd, these fourteen days are typically seen as rockier than normal, even referred to by some as a “moon wobble”. But what’s normal right now?

This particular new moon, occurring in early Libra, (Hasta in Vedic), is a moon whose particular star is given over to nervousness and excitability. It’s emblematic of traders and men of prowess, and closely tied up as with the ongoing Uranian (rebellious) – Plutonian (power seeking) square which we have mentioned so often. We know what’s going on, shutdowns, and standoffs dominate the news. Is there any light ahead? Hasta also refers to the “hand” and what is created by hard work. One would hope that the traditional meaning of Libra, as symbolized by the scales of justice, would prevail, however, this is a very frustrated moon period and the imprint for the next fourteen days.

October 6, 7, the Moon in Scorpio aligns with Saturn, Venus, Mercury, and Rahu which all makes for one big intense weekend. The discussions on the Hill and elsewhere are sure to be fierce, sort of modern warfare at the conference table. Lucky if any of them can manage to get in some golf.

Meanwhile the little hermaphrodite planet, Mercury, is making its way through Scorpio where he becomes somewhat like a criminal lawyer mounting his defense, (capable of all that Tom Clancy could imagine in his spy thrillers), and when it crosses over Saturn and Rahu’s heads, near the eighth, and ninth, then I would expect some sort of a breakthrough, not perfect of course. At this point Venus moves into Sagittarius, a slightly better and less acerbic position for the love goddess.

If you’re up very late or very early on the 8th, look skyward for the Draconis meteor showers, for a brief getaway and some cosmic entertainment!

Now slightly helpful is the fact that Hindus everywhere will be celebrating the feast of the Divine Mother, Navaratri, 5th to 13th, in which a spiritual war that had been fought with inner demons, then triumphed when right actions of the higher self eventually prevailed. Will that lovely energy spill over across the planet? If the essence of the feminine, receptivity and intuition, can temper the Scorpio warriors, then this should be the right time or at least the beginning of a hopeful chapter.

The 9th brings excitement with an angle to the revolutionary god, Uranus, and later a calmer relationship between sun and moon. One of those dynamic days. How will you use it?

October 11th, Friday, the moon in Capricorn gets tied in to the big fracas with Pluto square Uranus, and there can be some romantic moments but since the Venus Jupiter connection, as well as the Neptune square aren’t entirely blissful, meaning the desire is there, but all is not yet perfectly arranged in the sky.

I find that intense days with strong match ups, even though not smooth, can produce a lot of fire and many times resolutions within revolutions, like now.

October 15th Mars heads into Virgo and the mood calms down somewhat. Virgo is a Mercury ruled sign, so communication is enhanced, although all you Mercury ruled Gemini’s and Virgos out there beware of your own stress and anxiety during these times. For those of you with an abiding or growing interest in learning about your specific chart, check here to see your moon and rising signs, at last, using this (link to Lunarium). If your moon or rising sign is in Scorpio then all of this month’s action directly impacts you.

As you probably know by now, I don’t ascribe to mere Sun Sign astrology, for example, would May 24 and June 21st almost 30 degrees apart, really share the same influences?). It’s a nice form of entertainment invented in the late 19th century as a means of selling newspapers in Britain and America, but it’s not “real astrology’. Ok I had to say it.

The closer we approach the lunar eclipse of the 18(4:38 p PT), transparency is revealed, and all cards are on the table. More helpful is the strong alignment of Mercury (yes him again) with Jupiter, the gift giver, exalted in his highest and best place, the sign of Cancer, throughout most of 2014. Here is where the month changes and the now stationery communication planet will make his demands known. Emotions run high with this fiery Martian Aries moon, all of which is emphasized even more by the Mars Neptune square. Most intriguing is the fact that this eclipse full moon falls exactly under the third brightest star in the sky, Arcturus. Mentioned since biblical times and also mentioned in Edgar Casey’s readings as having a profound influence on our planet, a “stargate” as it has been called. Brought down to mundane earth I would imagine this stellar influence would provide some sort of opening, a gateway to better understanding and compromise.

Lucky those of you with October 18, 19, 20 birthdays to have this star over head at birth.]

October 21st Mercury holds still, becomes stationery and therefore stronger, for a day anyway, until he/she/it faces backwards, for one of the three Mercury retrogrades of the year. Now the combination here with Jupiter is at least somewhat promising. Mercury will go backwards and forward November 11, in Scorpio until December 4th! This is one of its longest rides, and through the Scorpion’s nest! But then there are a lot of deep issues needing to dissect- since Scorpio rules the surgeon’s scalpel as well.

With Saturn and Mercury and Rahu, the shadow demon, all cutting a swath through Scorpio, nothing is to be taken lightly, dark matters such as sexual abuse, trafficking, drugs and chemical gas fall under this pattern.

October 23rd the Sun enters Scorpio, more intensity, but heading into the 24th which is a pretty great day even though the sensitive Cancer moon sets off with Pluto and Co. again, it all smoothes out by Thursday evening with several positive water alignments. Dive in, have a party!

October 25-27th communication gets a hand from the moon in Cancer and Mercury in Scorpio, deep matters can be peacefully discussed and a few hours later when the moon meets up with Jupiter, I’m actually hopeful!! The Neptune Sun contact brings a spiritual dimension and allows for one to explore creative depths. Calling all writers, artists, musicians, dreamers, this is for you, get to work!

October 28th-29th, there’s not too much to say about Monday except for the energetic “look at me” Leo moon, but by Tuesday, the Virgo lunar influence matches up with Mars and makes for a very powerful day, take note those of you with your day planners, business endeavors can do well here since the sextile to all of the Scorpion‘s planets is so helpful.

October 30th-31st these days are still under the powerful influences of Tuesday, lessened somewhat but still holding a nice lunar contact to Jupiter. Late on the 31st, a mixed day, the moon returns to Libra, and therefore collides with the square of the two bullies. But Mars helps out in Virgo and trines( nice) the Sun and Pluto, so you can still dress up as a politician it’s not going to be the same Trick or Treat like earlier in the month

DAYS OF POWER: 1,2,4,6,8,11,15,19,24!, 29!! Nov 1st!


February 1-3 this run of Scorpio planets is not helping you one bit, maybe even feeling depleted and run down, but you must be patient and look up to see what planets you may have that are beneficial right now. Your Sun is important but there is more to it,

March 11-13, Oh happy days are soon to come. In spite of all the hardships you‘ve had to endure lately. You have such nice support from above; Jove is smiling down at you.

April 23-25, mid-month there comes an upswing, a charge of energy; I know you won’t waste the positive energy.

April 29, 30, oh dear, don’t give in to feelings of low self-worth, use this time to go inward and rescue your spiritual practice, whatever that may be.

May 1, 2 if you feel thwarted and backed up against a wall, don’t fret, there’s a reason, and he’s leaving soon.

June 3-5 late month near the 27th, is your better time.

June 29, 30, very similar to late October, many helpful angles and trines support your plans, this is a big help indeed

July 9, 10, Jupiter over your sun can only bring helpful things your way, even a sense of joie de vivre in case you’re the moody type of Cancer

August 17-20 early month has its share of frustrations when you’re all tied up with the new moon clashes.

September 1, 2 late October brings some needed answers and you are greatly helped out here.

October 18, should this be your birthday, having a lunar eclipse is exciting when it doesn’t cover your talents, but the grand trine of Mercury to Jupiter is your real gift.

October 24, I REALLY like this day, happy birthday whoever you are! November 1, 2 you are right in the eye of the storm, but it’s very possibly a good thing, you will feel driven and pushed almost beyond your limits. And I have even seen romantic episodes with Saturn close to one’s sun.

October 30, 31, you are similar to November 1 except you have a perfect sextile from Mars fueling your desires and Rahu over your sun will encourage your hopes and dreams, not that it will be easy.

November 9, 10, fortunate are you to have this much driving you; communication is enhanced and other things as well.

December 16, 17, the 6th to the 15th finds you with boundless fire energy, don’t over heat.

December 31 well it won’t be long now before the revolution leaves your house for good. You’ve put up with too much and done it well. Late month you get some help from Mars, and that Scorpio line up sextile your sun is very helpful. You’ll be ok,

February 21-22, Mid-month near the eclipse some possible excitement but don’t overdo, it might be a delusion, late month flows better