August Astrology 2012

Appropriately named for the emperor Augustus, this month arrives with a lordly beginning, lit up by a very beneficent full moon in Aquarius.  With a harmonizing angle from Jupiter, and Mars activating an earlier Gemini eclipse, early August makes for some good time Leonine socializing. Should August one be your birthday, expect a happier year ahead with several breakthroughs and electric moments.

Earlier August, Leo, birthdays find their sun in the blessed segment of Pushya, one of the better parts of Leo, best known for nourishing, protecting and promoting accumulation of wealth and property. The full moon in Shravana, an Aquarian designation, calls for more of the same and peaceful prosperity to boot. This is a wonderful full moon that sets the tone for the next two weeks.

This should be a month to rest and regroup with Venus trine to Neptune and Chiron for a lot of the month; it’s a softer vibe with only a few harder edges.  Again this all depends on your exact data, which is why the link here (to Lunarium is provided). If you just know the sun, moon and rising, you will be way ahead of the game. But more on that later.

The only really big news is the mid-month exact combination of Mars and Saturn moving closely in tandem through the later degrees of Libra. Restriction and rebellion meet, for their once every 2 year rendezvous.  The power and drive of Mars, somewhat muted in Libra, with restrictive Saturn in the sign of his greatest harmony, I say not all negative  but a chance for serious negotiations to be settled, matters to be decided, should be interesting  as it leads up to the Republican convention later in the month.

August 4th marks the 51st birthday of Barack Obama, born in Honolulu, 1961. And yes it was a legitimate US state by then.

POTUS is entering a nineteen year period which started on July 24th, a very strong one, for him, in spite of some Saturnian karma strings attached.  Nevertheless, the planets overhead will cross over the highest point of his chart , indicating success in his career endeavors, and although there will be some questionable moments in the weeks to come,  especially in August , when the south lunar node (ketu) crosses his moon,  indicating a harsh personal and private situation. In spite of this, his return to Washington looks very promising.

In addition, the planetary ruler of his future hangs in a vedic segment which has great ties to the obstacle removing elephant god, Ganesha. The image of the elephant “tusk”, a sharp pointed instrument, is not lost on me, and I think he will become more forceful and specific, pointed as it were, whether by sword or pen.

Being president is not an easy job, and the Saturn period of one’s life is bound to bring some heavy matters to the fore which go back to one’s soul’s path, and the debts that must be paid from before this life.

A well placed Saturn can bring gifts greater than anything Jupiter might provide and Obama has this kind of Saturn.

After the fourth to the sixteenth, the Sun in Leo moves into a slightly harsher segment, known as the nakshatra of Ashlesha. It’s an odd configuration symbolized by the caduceus, or the healing wand of Hippocrates, Father of Modern medicine. The head of the snake bites and then heals; and birthdays with this placement can see this dynamic at work as their life progresses, sharp words, harsh events, lawsuits etc., can turn out to have a positive outcome.

Back to the basics of the month.

The 6th is a fairly electric day, with some fun aspects between Uranus, the moon, also in Aries, and Jupiter. On the 7th a couple of notable celestial happenings trigger a shift in the atmosphere. Venus moves out of Gemini after four long months into Cancer, a homey place for her gifts and domestic skills.

Mercury moves direct at 10:40 pm PDT, and the moon opposes Saturn, 1:04 am (and most of us will be asleep at that time). Remember about the Leo Ashlesha types, who can win arguments, they may have caused in the first place, but then turn things around? The same applies to karmic events in their lives. Here’s an example, the 9th is very promising, and I have it starred with that exalted moon in Taurus and the Venus Neptune angle. Use it well and happily but don’t overdo.

The 11th has a moon conjunct Jupiter in Gemini, happy for many, a trial for others this day since it is a trigger for the eclipse of June 4th.

Moving into the 12th, a calmer day with trines from the Gemini happier exploratory moon (in vedic Mrigashira) day from Saturn and Mars, and for you skywatchers, a bright cosmic Perseids meteor showers tonight. It’s also the closing ceremony to the Olympics, which is said to be quite a fantastical event with great musical tributes. Well music can be a spiritual path; it’s that kind of day. Even the meteors are excited.

By August 13, 14, the moon conjunct Venus and oppose Pluto, sets off that nasty square we’ve been talking about for months.

Adding to the testiness, by the 15th and 16th, matters heat up. These are probably the more difficult moments of the month.

What will the markets be doing now? What sorts of dark information will be revealed as these campaigns heat up. Best now to close your mouth and your wallet.

Lighter moments may be in order with the very benign new moon of the 17th, 8:54 am PDT. Later in the day, the very pragmatic Virgo moon facing off with dreamy Neptune, 8:54 pm. PDT,  so wait a bit, after you’ve enjoyed the champagne, maybe when the light returns two days later, under the crescent moon,  to make any sharp decisions.

This particular new moon in Magha (sun and moon together), represented by a throne, is a placement whereby the rulers are honored as they really should be, in true Leonine fashion, that is, as servants of the people. This arena brings out the noble nature of Leo.

At this time there is something comforting and solid about the strong angle provided by Saturn. Should this be your birthday, a new year and a new beginning ahead, is yours. Lunations, new and full, always set the pattern for the next 14 days.

Following closely behind is the brilliant trine of Mercury to Uranus is the 18th, this can belong to the 17th and 19th too. Fire brilliance is inspirational and people under this sort of configuration have created and invented some of the great tools and items we use today. Don’t waste the day; use these great aspects to further your own brilliant goals. The moon’s sextile to Venus helps to soften the energies as well.  It would be nice day for a wedding.

By the 20th  and 21st, we’re back in the maw of that tiresome Uranus Pluto war dance, only this time they dragged that born to be happy Libra moon into it. Who can say what the gods will visit upon our blue planet? And our Martian “Curiosity” rover is visiting its home turf.  It’ll be so nice when he goes into Scorpio, tomorrow, and can send back some actual geological fragments from the red planet.

August 22nd, As the Sun moves into Virgo, and Mars and the Moon traipse into the Scorpionic kingdom of the underworld god. Times of change are upon us.  The Republican convention looms nigh.

The weekend of the 24th, to 26th, brings lots of excitement with that freedom loving wanderer Sagittarian moon. Expect several intense moments with Mars trine to Neptune. Conventions are exciting, like a political Olympiad only with oratorical shotputs and verbal long distance runners. Piscean Mitt Romney, with Chiron and Neptune close to his Mars and the Blue Moon there as well, will  have to deal with this higher than usual  jolt to his usually steady demeanor. That Gemini ascendant can ease into a ready quip and a laugh, but the lunar node crossing here means he’s in the key moment of his life. It will be harder for him moving into the fall, with Saturn squaring his Venus and birth Saturn, and the north node on his moon. .But as an old wise astrologer once said, look to the most difficult chart of the candidates, being president is not an easy job, see whose chart looks worse off! I would say it’s his.

The many aspects on the 26th see the moon in Capricorn, forming a trine (good) to the Sun and Pluto. Lots of firm declarations no doubt are seen here under this decisive earth trine. In your personal sphere this means make some concrete decisions yourself, things are definitely smoothing out,

The August 31st Blue Moon, holds no real significance other than being the second full moon in a calendar month. Music has been written about it, but over and beyond that, this is the day Mercury returns to its home sign of Virgo and the month ends under a Pisces moon joining with Chiron, looking across at a Virgo Sun. It’s going to be a rocking TGIF night.  If you are looking for a quiet dinner gathering, it won’t be tonight. Where does this full moon land in your chart and life?

There will be lots of action now in a Mercury dominated world as we move into the organizationally motivated season of Virgo, almost like Capricorn with the urge to set new standards, of diets, health regimes, budgets, and new projects to be undertaken. What class shall I sign up for? Maybe buy that juicer now? 


August 1, 2 look to a very sublime year ahead. This should propel your work efforts into the next level, maybe even more than you thought you could do. Jupiter the gift giver is on your team.

February 1, 2, you benefit as well from this energy, it’s exciting but safely so.

November 20, 21, a month to carefully assess what your goals and plans are, events could bring up some karmic family issues. Rahu (north lunar node) on your sun brings some life changes that aren’t always negative but can be rough while living it.

July 14, 15, 16, is watchful mid-month to not feel burdened and oppressed.  It’s okay to stop and breathe once in a while.

April 30th, May 1, very end of August should bring some welcome financial news.

Late December, 29, 30, birthdays, things are lightening up for you too.

Finally, August 22, 23, with the Sun and mars conjunct. .and oppose Neptune, this year’s solar return will hold that Mars Neptune opposition vibe. You will need to  beware of living in a field of dreams, although Mars this close to your sun will amp up your energy, if you don’t let if fry you, and help you in other ways, especially in dispelling that Neptunian haze.

February 21, 24 some have already started to feel the brush of Neptune and Chiron, but at this late full moon it is especially significant. It may feel confusing and dynamic all at the same time.  New ideas swirl around in your head.  It’s almost, well, psychedelic, or else just exhausting.

October 15, 16, 17 the intense Mars Saturn action requires you to work more than you planned, and deal with circumstances that may seem oppressive. It lifts by September. Try to keep your balance, after all that‘s what Libra is best at.

April 14, 15, 16 also need to stay on steady ground with this opposition to your sun from Saturn and Mars. You may very well be just overwhelmed and exhausted this month, with so many challenges and obligations.

May 20, 21 with Ketu (that little demon) sliding over your sun, this is a month to reassure yourself that you are doing the right things, and not give in to feelings of negative self-worth, which can happen when  the moon’s south node crosses the sun, but luckily it only comes around once every 19 years. For a few of you it’s time to pay attention to health matters that have been put off, before they get worse.

June 15-18, Happy you with a stabilizing force of two powerful gods Saturn and Mars, trine your Sun. Lean back and enjoy the security.

June 29, 30, mid-month the Venus, Uranus, Pluto quagmire arrives at your doorstep; it could really be a housekeeping, or house deciding matter.


AUGUST 1, 6,   8, 11, 13, 15, 20, 26, 29, 31

A note about Sun Sign astrology: I write these little takeaways on certain birthdays based only on what is affecting the Sun, (Day of one’s birth). In the West we take the Sun to be of utmost importance, and of course it rules the life force, main drives and covers certain personality descriptions. Hindu astrology places a much higher value on the ascendant and its ruler. Their five thousand year old astrological techniques of astrology encompass a complex mythology around 27 “lunar mansions” based on the Moon, which is the heart center of their whole system. 

Ascendant first, Moon second, Sun third, is a very simple way to describe their hierarchy of planetary importance.

A medical doctor and Ayurvedic practitioner will examine a patient’s medical records and astrological chart side by side to complete an analysis and diagnosis. Theirs is an ancient but evolved way of understanding health, that illness and wellness stem from many factors, emotional and spiritual as well as physical. Our fascination, in the West, with Sun Sign astrology has become a form of entertainment and even poetry.  For some, this provides an entry point into the larger science and art of astrology. It’s for these few aspiring astrologers and from my own love of this study, that I am inspired to produce these blogs.