January 2012 Astro Update

Appropriately named for Janus, the two headed Roman god of beginnings and endings , January is that doorway into  the year ahead, from 2011 to 2012. Contrary to the  many dire predictions of catastrophe and destruction, an overview of 2012 from the Vedic (Hindu astrology) perspective,  indicates a better year than the preceding one. The year begins with an auspicious  “yoga” or combination of planets  that has the blessing of  Saraswati a goddess ruling the arts and higher learning—my personal favorite of the Indian Pantheon.

We are,  let us not forget, in the time of Capricorn and  the goat with the  slow but steady climb up the  mountain, who finds that his  famous endurance usually pays off in the end. In the meantime, be entertained by his dry humor and  sharp wit.
The ”Januaries”, as I  like to think of  them, are usually devoted to those Saturnian pursuits of order, resolve and disciplined  action. This year doesn’t disappoint And with the addition of  Mars in Virgo  which encourages  fitness, health and oh, yes, a balanced checkbook — it makes for an especially strong planetary assist to any goal setting thoughts  you may have. It’s almost hard to lose with this combo of  earth signs calling for  universal structure and order.
January 7’s entertaining Gemini moon  makes way for the full moon of  the 8th- 9th, which falls in a very beautiful part of  Cancer.  Called “Punarvasu” in the Vedic tradition, this  lunar placement  is  devoted to  the idea of renewal and restoration and protection from enemies.
For those of us in the West, it’s a Cancerian full moon, with all the watery, emotional components that lend some sensitivity to the day with its preponderance  of air (mental, thought)and earth (practical, unemotional) planets. It’s a beautiful full moon lit by the Sun and placed in a kindly sub segment of Capricorn, that is not especially typical of the sign and should make for a really pleasant weekend.  The 9th is Princess Kate Middleton’s 30th birthday. This is also  the day that Mercury moves into Capricorn at 10:30 pm, earth energy prevails.
Are you an early Capricorn  birthday, say the  24th of December to the 1st of January?  You have already experienced some large shifts in your life, and this year will  bring a few more, but with the Jupiter aspect things can become well, even pleasant.
Jan 13th -14th  are especially auspicious  days for signing papers for a new home, or even beginning an important project in your home,. The  helpful  angle between Mercury and Pluto as well as that between Venus and Saturn indicate a perfect time to incorporate or even  launch a new business venture.
Also on these days, Venus’ matchup to  first Neptune  in late Aquarius, then Chiron, in early Pisces , will add some glamour and  insight, a much welcomed  bright light and  even a spark of romance  to boot. It is wise to beware that love projections and reality might be two different species here, no matter how magical it may seem, for you early Pisces suns and moons  in particular.
Reality arrives with the conjunction between Mars and the Virgo moon on the 14th cinching the array of  celestial assistance.  If your birthday lands between these dates, the 13-14th  of  January, how lucky are you!
Mars  sojourn through Virgo,  for the first  six months of 2012,  brings a certain quest for order and form to the year. Mars has been “scorching” the earth of Virgos for a few months and there’s more to go. Most of the sign will feel these effects. It can be a good thing, an activating and productive force and I  have seen some of my Virgo friends lately stretch themselves to accomplish their higher goals, Because of the previous month’s lunar eclipse, those birthdays most involved  in this action fall between the 7th and 11th of Dec, Sept, March and  June. This may not be the easiest  if  tempers flare and patience thins, but be aware that this  friction with Martian fire can bring positive results!
Monday, the 16th, is  a heart opener in some respects with the Moon Saturn (7;0 am PST)conjunction’s  reflective mood  inviting an assessment of  one’s life and  attitudes.  Feeling are churned up by the moon’s  trine to Neptune then its passage into Scorpio with a nod to Venus in Pisces.
Harsh and demanding attention is  the  square from Saturn to the Sun on the 19th,  and  if this is your birthday, well, it’s going to take all your  inner resources  to handle the obstacles presented. The  Mars  and Mercury trine will aid your means of expression for the entire year and later, in May, Jupiter will bring assistance. October 18-20,  April 18-20 and July 18-20 birthdays have been feeling this oppression for a while. Know that  it will leave for good next Fall, and sometimes blocking aspects can drive one to succeed.
Early June and December birthdays  are most affected right now by the nodes crossing over them, this can manifest in rebellion against authority, or  difficulty with one’s offspring or  close family members.  These are matters complex  and  very significant. My advice is to take the Zen approach and lay low until  the aspect  passes  in a few weeks. The June birthdays mentioned, 1-4, may experience some minor health issues and/or question themselves.

I am also referring to Gemini  and Sagittarian moons , or even Venus and Mars,  within 12-14 degrees of these two signs.  The great thing about astrology is that you can see aspects coming—and going. The planets  appear to convene in this rather conflicting manner near or on the New Moon.
The New Moon, Jan 23d 11:39 pm PST,  heralds the Year of the Dragon, a moment anticipated with great excitement by Chinese astrologers, many of whom plan births to coincide with this  year.  Hello out there, you Dragon babies , 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000. Many of  you are members of  the strong survivors’ club, and  have  overcome great difficulties in your private lives .
The deep significance of this Aquarian new moon, a sign associated with brilliance and innovation, is, in  the  Vedic cosmos,  symbolized by the tusk of  an elephant, with the  name of  Uttara Shada.  The most prized part of the elephant, its tusk, can be a warlike weapon, a valued item and also a writing utensil. Fighting with sword or pen, either way, this new moon has it’s horns out and on the eve of the Mars retrograde. This Martian energy can scorch the earth,  particularly of  June 15, 16, 17, December 15, 16, 17 and September 14, 15,16th birthdays.
The keynote here would be watch your words and your movements for the next several days. New moons  signify beginnings and this one has its limitations clearly laid out. For those of  you with birthdays close to this new moon, Jan 23, 24, it looks to be a year of figuring things out, matters will have  finally come  to a head.
The Dragon’s year is entering with some  ferocity and determination.
As I so often mention, look to see  what area of life, i.e, what “house’ does  Virgo cover in your specific chart,( the link to Lunarium should help find  with this quest). Then you will know which segment of  your life is being called upon.
Astrology can become very personal and meaningful if you can find out your moon and rising sign at the very least. This description  applies to a Virgo  moon or rising from 15 to 21 degrees.

I always look for days of power and action in the month ahead.  These are: January 7th , 8th, 9th, January 12th,13th, 16th, 20th,22nd, 23d,and 30th.
Later in January, Mercury’s  square to Saturn on the 27th could bring some difficult moments, and if you are a very late Libran or Aries,, around April or October 17 to 21, you know what I mean, with the  pressures you’ve been dealing with for a while, and it’s not letting up—just yet.
Finally, the 28th brings some relief, and with Mercury arriving into Aquarius, a shift in attitudes prevail, the moon, with its  sextile to  Uranus in Aries  encourages brilliance.   The moon then comes back to  a delightful place in Taurus along with Jupiter. So nice for early Taurus, and  Virgo birthdays and   those moon sign degrees early in these signs.
The sextile from moon to Venus on the 31st, can leave us with an upbeat mood, another happy birthday if this is your natal day.
All of these major aspects will land in your chart for the month, called a “lunar return”,  so the larger aspects will apply to all no matter where you are.
Now, about those Mayans, whose culture and population  disappeared overnite somewhere between the 8th and 9th centuries.  A friend of mine recently down  in Peru, met with some  Mayan  descendants and  their attitude was one of slight amusement  at the whole frenzy up North.  But, if there is some money to be made they’re happy to comply and acknowledge their place in history and their ”calendar”.

The dispute seems to be, did it already reset itself   some years ago,are we still in their ”end times”?  The dates are in question as to the actual Mayan Long count calendar, is it 50 to 100 years off?
As far as the astrology for  December 21, 2012, there is s nothing  unusual, no major significant aspects, no eclipse triggered, not several quincunxes   like the ’94 earthquake, no huge line up of 6 planets in one sign, like the May 2000  eclipse and harbinger of the market crash, NOTHING!

Except for a  little square from Uranus to the Sun, which we’ve seen before occurring several times in any calendar year. The Mayan calendar that we know, resets, like Y2K, that’s all.
The more interesting story occurs in  2013when Saturn meets up with the  north node in Scorpio and the ongoing square between Uranus and Pluto  continues until 2015. These are the key points signaling the major planetary shifts economically and politically that are  already happening. Change is already occurring; we saw  three despots meet their end  in 2011.  Rest assured, in 2012, the poles won’t flip, but will stay nailed  to their north and south locations, just like they are right  now. Really.