Astrology November 2012

Hello everyone, and welcome to a month of more than the usual Scorpionic intensity. Aside from the two eclipses and four retrograde planets, the big item of the month, an historic election, falls under a Scorpio Sun in square to a Leo (kingly) moon.

Early November brought the ancient Druid rites of the Samhain festivals, whose rituals and ceremonies have carried forward into these times.  Revered as the season when the veils between the worlds thin, and communication can occurs more easily between those in body and those in spirit, and here in Santa Barbara, candles and altars are set up to honor the souls of the departed with the November 2nd  celebrations of “Dias de los Muertes”.  Ah, such is the time of Scorpio, ruling those deep mysteries of life, birth, and death. It is in this season that we honor the transmigration of souls.

This November arrives under an auspicious Gemini moon that lines up with Jupiter, for some happy moments if this is your day. The November 2nd void of course moon, makes no connections, the uneventful aspects of the  “Day of the Dead” ends after midnight and the weekend of the 3d proceeds energetically with a Cancerian moon whose many aspects make for a very active and fluid day.

The Leo moon of Monday the 5th, leads into the main topic of the month, the presidential election, and the aspects of November 6th. The most outstanding cosmic event today, that of Mercury stationary retrograde and in square to the mists of Neptune, will more than likely bring a day of confusion.  The main story, who will win the big ticket, may not, I fear, be answered today. Yes, the Leo moon, harmonizing with Venus earlier and Jupiter later, will be bringing joyful news to some.

The effects of the past lunar event, that same wind swept full moon, still holds sway over earthly matters. Miscommunication and delays seem more likely to be the outcome. The chart of the incumbent looks slightly stronger for a win than that of his challenger, although there are a couple of frustrating and disappointing indications for both candidates, their wives, and running mates. A delay, no decision yet? Their charts are lined up across my desk along with that of the January 20th Inauguration Day, 2013. My opinion remains the same.


The void moon of the 7th adds to the lack of decisiveness set down by the previous day’s events, slightly improving after 8:30 pm, with the Moon in Virgo.

The answer becomes clearer near the 11th when Neptune moves into direct motion, making a nice aspect to Saturn and Chiron.

The 2:08 pm PST Solar eclipse of November 13th is no doubt the dominant celestial happening this month since we are also in the last of the 2012 pair of eclipses.

Eclipses are said to influence most the locations where they are seen overhead.  In ancient times they spoke of the destiny of the king or ruler, the 100 years’ war being foreshadowed by just such an eclipse.  Pacific Islanders, New Zealanders and Southern South Americans will have the best view, but millions will be affected regardless of location since it carries such an impact.

The last solar eclipse to fall in this, the 21st degree of Scorpio, almost identical to this one, occurred November 13, 1993.  Where were you and what were you doing then? Solar eclipses herald big changes depending upon where they land in any given chart. Scorpio energies of this sort tend to take no prisoners.  Take note, there should be some parallels drawn in your own life.

Coming exactly a week after the election, this solar eclipse arrives under the rather harsh star of “Vishakha”, from which our word “vicious” derives. It is that segment of Scorpio considered to be rather ruthless and unpleasant (sorry).  Ruled over by the king of Olympus, Jupiter (or Zeus) its description follows: “from the garlanded triumphal gate the victor emerges”. The idea of an eclipse, that what comes out of the dark and is brought into the light, seems to bolster the idea that a “king” will be chosen, or in our case, a president. A certain degree of decision and definition accompanies this eclipse with Saturn trine Neptune and Chiron.

The early crescent moon of November 16, 17, will leave a dark sky for better viewing of the pre-dawn Leonids meteor showers. Seeing thousands of meteors falling like rain makes for quite a spectacular show.

With the moon and Mars both in the sign of the goat, the 16th carries a lot of Capricorn, and personally, I have always liked that Capricorn Scorpio combination for directness and productivity.  Try to utilize the power of this particular Friday to accomplish matters of importance.  Even better, this energy flows over into Saturday, up until 9:45 pm that is.

Sunday the 18th we’ll all need to take a breath, the moon’s square to Saturn at 1:10 PST creates a bit of a letdown after the last two days’ intensity, or maybe it’s just a hangover from last night’s partying? In any case, we still aren’t recovered from the Tuesday eclipse.


The shift in energy comes with the November 21st Sun’s move into Sagittarius, a happier moment that coincides with a very early Thanksgiving time. The moon and Mercury are nicely aligned, Venus moves into Scorpio in perfect trine (harmony) with Neptune; Saturn and Pluto are balance with each other, it’s all pretty copasetic until the 23d with the rather explosive Mars square to Uranus, no showing off with big motorized toys, ok? I just feel sorry for those turkeys. Saturday is much calmer and by the last day of the holiday, Sunday‘s exalted Taurus moon will balance out the Mars Pluto fractiousness.

The 27th finds Mercury going direct, right as the lunar eclipse, on the 28th, in beautiful Rohini, or early in Gemini to us in the West, is seen over the western United States and Canada.  With the sun in Sagittarius, this moon event, 6:45 am PST, can bring some welcomed news.  The fallout of a lunar eclipse is usually felt in the days and weeks soon after the actual eclipse.  Wherever 7 degrees of Gemini or Sagittarius lands in your chart (link to Lunarium) will tell more of the personal story.  It’s an entirely different energy, and certainly more hopeful with Jupiter so close to the moon, than the November 13th event.

With Saturn and Venus so close together the last 10 days of November, and Mars right on top of Pluto, adds a lot of grit and strength to whatever ambitious endeavors you may have imagined. I always try to take advantage of these kinds of aspects, “use astrology” I always say, make the most of the aspects when they are helpful, and lay low when they are not. The addition of the Gemini moon lightens up the field for play as well as work.

Friday the 30th’s Cancerian moon clashes moodily with Uranus and Pluto, oh them again, but the day is saved somewhat with nice angles to Neptune and Saturn, whose alignment marks the beginning of a “beautiful friendship” that should last for many months ahead into 2013. Lucky news for all you early water signs, birthdays. Especially those born under early Pisces and Cancer.

This moon, comfy in her own sign, sets a nice vibe into place the first weekend of December, making sweet aspects to Venus and Mercury, and changing only into Leo at dinnertime on Sunday the 2nd.

By then Mercury will land on that crucial Scorpio eclipse degree, and by December 3d, whatever the news brings, well, pay attention, it may be historic.


December 30.Mars and Pluto on your sun the weekend of Thanksgiving, giving to much might wear you out, hold back!

November 13Th all this eclipse energy is focused on you! A life changing year, endings and beginnings. Normally not a terrifically benign indication, this eclipse birthday has a strong Saturn and Jupiter component which will bring certain of you something you have worked very hard towards achieving.

Nov 28th another eclipse birthday but his lunar is entirely different, cheerful and hopeful with a sunny Gemini moon, Venus and Saturn tightly connected sextile mars and Pluto, What a year ahead for you, never dull with these aspects.

November 17, 18, 19, Rahu crosses your Sun this month, encouraging your projects and plans. It’s a rare event but when it occurs has been known to bring great satisfaction and results for your hard work,

November 6th. Election Day madness affects you all year, That Mercury Retrograde conflict to Neptune is not helpful for communications going forward. Just be happy that the moon and Venus, as well as the moon with Jupiter, are all fairly well placed; it helps to maintain the happiness quotient.

May 17, 18, 19,  these are days to ponder, to reassess, in a very big way, all that you are doing and plan to do as you go forward in life.

Whatever you do, don’t give in to negative self-talk. This soon will pass.

Later, March birthdays, 27, 28, 29, the grid of Uranus and Pluto has fallen on your house, maybe literally.  You must accept some changes both physically and emotionally, gracefully if possible.

October 30, later in the month, the 26th 27th, Venus and Saturn visit your sun and the moon in Taurus looks across at the dissension caused by these tight aspects.  Breathe; it only lasts a few days. Oddly enough, even though I have never seen this in any astrology text book, my experience has shown me that Saturn going over the sun, especially when Venus is involved, can bring a romantic situation.

March 26, 27 are still bothered by the earthquake god, but he’s moving on ahead, and heavens, this November 28 eclipse is actually helpful for you and makes for an exciting couple of weeks.

May 27, 28, yes, some thrills come your way with the benign light of this late lunar eclipse, rejoice, be merry.

Later January birthdates must endure a bit of Saturn ‘s backlash against their suns, it brings tiredness and some stress, later in November, but all things pass and this will soon become someone else’s problem.

January 1, With Pluto moving over your sun soon, expects several big shifts to occur in your life. A move, a marriage, a new career, a new hip? Never underestimate the power of Pluto especially later in November but moving into 2013.

September 1st, the sextile between Venus and Saturn later in this month, help out a lot, especially seeing as Pluto and Mars get into the action as well to energize and lift you up and over some hurdle.

March 12, this solar eclipse promises great changes for you into 2013.  This is Mitt Romney’s day along with many others.

DAYS OF POWER:  3, 6!, 8, 10, 13!, 16, 17, 20, 21, 25, 28, 30